Monday, November 25, 2019

Seminole Indian Territory Installment XII

I began this quest for my family story in 1986. I am by no means an accredited genealogist. My genealogy credentials are simply a thorough study, having read volumes of materials, in the trenches grunt work. Part of those studies included the study of ancient maps of the old world from the beginning of written history by the Sumerians and related cultures. I have ancient places/ place names plotted on maps in my Google Desktop Maps program.
My Y-DNA and mtDNA has been tested and along with it, my DNA is a part of the Family Finder Test at Family Tree DNA. It is also a part of the National Geographic DNA Project and has been for several years. My research, along with all of the above took me to Wales a very long time ago and even more importantly, to East Anatolia to a spot just below the Lake of the Van, in what is now Turkey. That is just north of what is termed “The Cradle of Civilization”, where it all began; NOT Africa. DNA has begun to dispel the Fables, Nursery Rhymes and Voodoo Science what was previously passed down to us by some very creative practitioners of doo doo but NOT science. DNA is science.
I was also contracted with to help splice the Ancient Mathew [Madawg aka Madoc aka Madog] family with that on the other side of “The Big Pond”, the USA Mathews, Matthews, Mathis, Matthewes, Mateus, Mathias, Mattice etc. families. That was a few years ago as well. That was a massive project and too large a subject for discussion here. See
Wales was originally settled by the ancient Khumry of 13 tribes, all coming from that area around Lake of the Van. This history is well known and was in fact reiterated by Kings Edward, the second and third, in tax collections for the “Crown”. Those nasty taxes can sometimes be very useful in the study of ancient histories. My line was referred to in that document as the Tal y Van Tribe. Lake of the Van is still well-known and you can google it today. On ancient maps, it was referred to as the Nairi Sea. Tushpa, the capital of Urartu, was located near the shores of Lake Van, on the site of what became medieval Van's castle, west of present-day Van city. The ruins of the medieval city of Van are still visible below the southern slopes of the rock on which Van Castle is located. Please note that place name—Tushpa for later discussion in this paper.
The many place names in and around Urartu will also be found quite liberally in South Wales. It will also interest you to know that these place names are found quite liberally in the USA, especially in Pennsylvania and the South, including here in our little slice of the South. We have maps of migratory patterns from these ancient locations to various other parts of the world—China, Russia, and points east, as well as to the southwest into Africa—not vice versa as the voodoo scientists would have us to believe. You will have maps that showed migrations from this area up Ukraine, Lithuania, etc. to what is now Scandanavia and points south and west. You will also have maps that show the migration of my line from that area west and across the Aegean and Mediterranean into Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, while my line continued to the Pyrenees where France and Spain meet and points north, ending up in Brittany [Formally Briton], Cornwall and S. Wales. There are very good migratory maps of the Tribes of Israel and their various Diaspora over time. None of these migrations and migratory patterns are fables but are now supported with our DNA which has really exploded of late.
China, Russia, E. Europe, W. Europe, Scandinavia, Britain etc. remain comprised of tribes; make no mistake about that. They still don’t like each other. Some of this tribal stuff extended to the settling of the New World, Australia, Indonesia, etc. Many of these tribes have been at war with one another for millennia.
Now to the point of all this… If you will now refer to that website created by 
Marsha Mills Frank and yours truly, you will find maps, photos of some tribes and a wee bit of narrative on the subject. In our study of Seminole IT Ghost Towns, school names, cemetery names, church names, etc. we have been driving to these places and are becoming quite familiar with these places, now plotted on Google Desktop Maps. You are going to see place names on these maps such as Arbeka aka Arveka, Tushka aka Tuchka, Econtuchka, Heliswa, Mahaka aka e Mahaka, etc. These locations were of Creek/ Seminole origin. They are also place names in Russia, E. Europe, Scandinavia, Spain, etc. and were as a result of the various migrations taken by the ancient tribes. This is neither coincidence nor by accident. These migrating tribes brought these place names with them and plopped them down, right here in Seminole County, and other parts of Oklahoma.
Just this morning, in reading The Daily Oklahoman, I read where Tushka HS won in a Class A baseball game. This high school just happens to be in Atoka, known more for the Chickasaw or Choctaw Tribe than Creek or Seminole. You will see all of these place names all over especially eastern Oklahoma, formerly Indian Territory. In Seminole County, there was formerly a Tushka School in what was formerly known as Econtuchka Township, a rather substantial land area in northwestern Seminole IT. Arbeka is in the Red Mound Township IT in northeastern Seminole County. Marsha and I have been all over this area in our travels and travails.
We also posted some photos of some tribes, now and for time immemorial, in Tuchka, on the island of Sakhalin, once a disputed territory of Japan and Russia, finally settling in Russia. Take a good look at the photos of these tribal members. Also, take a good look at the different perspectives of this island in 4 different frames in relation to the Aleutian Islands and the Bering Strait, formerly land bridges to Alaska. It is more than just a wild guess that peoples/ tribes came to what is now, N America across these land bridges. Other tribes came from S. America to the American Southwest. The final point being, that there are NO INDIGENOUS TRIBES IN THE USA. The Creator didn’t just plop a few down here like turnips in a garden. EVERYONE who is here now is an immigrant from somewhere. It just depends upon when they arrived and from which direction. To think otherwise is just delusional; a fairy tale to fit a present-day narrative but still just a big lie. All maps and photos are to be seen at:
Having said all that, neither did Columbus discover America--he never set foot in America. Fully documented ancient histories have a Khumric [Welsh] expedition that landed and explored here in about 560 AD. There are other documented expeditions from the Irish and Scandinavians, although there have been many attempts to hide these histories. I will not even go into all of that here—it would take a book or two. In fact, it is all in a book. You can find excerpts/ an outline at if you have interest in that sort of thing.
I, for one, do not celebrate anything on Columbus Day other than thanking the Creator for Spanish olives. Silly me…
I think you will get the drift. You see, when the Romans made the attempt to wipe out all of the histories in Britain [Briton] in books, poetry, official records, they failed miserably, as they almost always do. Their attempted incursions in S. Wales were a disaster—they got their arse sufficiently kicked time after time. They were unfamiliar with the Welsh expertise with the yew bow and arrow and that cost them thousands of their legions. They were unfamiliar with the Welsh terrain as well, which can be treacherous and where the Welsh warriors knew to take a stand from time to time. They were also unfamiliar with the Khumric practice of Gavelkind and the requirement that every Khumric family head was to know at least 9 generations preceding him, their history, titles, lands, etc. and that of their wives aka concubines-- it was passed down from generation to generation mnemonically.
Most importantly of all is that they did not know the ancient Khumric language and still do not today. That is also true of the N. Welsh tribes. They too are wholly unfamiliar with the Khumric ancient language, firstly carved on sticks, including their tribal names. The poor l’il buggers got hoodwinked. The histories are still there and known today. They kind of look down their noses at the rest of us due to our general ignorance on such matters and deservedly so. We simply don’t know the language and we certainly do not know the art of wordsmithing, any more than we know the art of the yew bow. It is all there though, even today.

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