Thursday, October 31, 2013

If you've ever hitched a ride on a pumping unit after midnight with a Coors [Screw Coors Lite] in hand, thinking you were on the back of Gunsmoke, you are most definitely from Oklahoma.

House Fly Caper

If you have ever clipped just one wing off a common house fly to watch it dive-bomb in a circular motion, you might be from Oklahoma.

Red Ants

If you'd ever peed on a red ant bed, you might be from Oklahoma.

Junk Mail

I have had an especially rewarding day according to 2 Junk Mails. "The Ancient secret of endless nights of pleasance" and I have won the "Asian Lottery". Since I will be away for a while, while traveling on my winnings and enjoying nights of pleasance, I will have to get back to you later.

Venal & Calumnius Insurers/ AARP

These venal & calumnius insurers, including AARP, who are getting hosed in this PPACA debacle fully deserve what will be their demise. That's precisely what they get for making a pact with the devil. But of course, he will bail out their sorry a$$es.

Boston Obamacare "Speech"

That speech in Boston should have been entitled, "Pack 'o Lies--Pick Your Favorite" or, "My Teleprompter Is a Lyin' Dog and Should be Put Down"! Are you kidding me!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Real Lone Ranger - No Kidding!

Great Story! Bass Reeves was the real Lone Ranger, was black, and lived in Oklahoma/ Indian Territory! No Kidding! He was also a slave, in Oklahoma, we refer to such as "Freedman".

Pre-existing Conditions--Really!?

OK, this may be the best I have heard yet. Just heard it from a CPA who also just happens to serve in Congress. It would cost us $5 Billion annually to take care of every man, woman & child who has a Pre-existing condition vs. $2.7 Trillion for this debacle. Might even throw in the dogs and cats for good measure. Now, the Fed Gov takes in about $10 Billion per day in revenues. Thus, in one-half of one day, we could take care of the much worthwhile needs of the infirm. Now, my rhetorical question to pose to you is this: Do you really think this debacle is about Pre-existing conditions? Or, is this about the ego building himself a perpetual monument [A warm turd, actually]. In my opinion, it has nothing to do with Pre-existing conditions or anything to do with healthcare. The fix is simple: Provide the $5 Billion for Pre-existing conditions, make healthcare insurance again a state prerogative with the insertion of portability of insurance across state lines, truly providing for nationwide competition, allowing people their own option whether they want full coverage or a "throw me under the bus" policy, which I prefer, add a few more bells and whistles and voila, you've got yourself a healthcare plan. Idiots couldn't pour PI$$ outta a boot! This has absolutely nada about healthcare. Period! Other than the $5 Billion for Pre-existing conditions, the cost to the taxpayer would be $0. It ain't rocket science folks. The States have always been responsible for regulation of insurance. That is because the Constitution was designed for such.


Shhhhhhh...I'm fixin to tell you a whopper and I want your undivided attention. My teleprompter is a wee bit blinky today.

Obamacare Is a Blivet

Obamacare is a Blivet ! Look it up...:-)

Economies of Scale

Economies of Scale...

When you read this, think of the PPACA aka Obamacare. The opposite of this is Diseconomies of Scale = FAIL. If they need 7 million to sign up but 14 million are dropped from their present coverage, they need 21 million to sign up to get a net of 7 million. However, clearly, 7 million net applicants will NOT do it. That is basic Econ 101. 7 million net = FAIL.

Even CBS Is Reporting on Obamacare!

700,000 have applied for we know not what??? Medicaid? Obamacare? In NJ alone, 800,000 booted from their present insurance policy [CBS News=Obama's own network]. CBS further reports that 2 Million thus far have been booted nationwide. This is just the beginning.

Free with Obamacare--You're gonna need it!

Mornin' Crackas! Sign up now and get a free one-year supply--this is what they meant when they told you it was free.

Obamacare Doctor Anyone? Good Luck!

I'll betcha haven't heard about this l'il problem yet have ya? Can't find a doctor? Blame George Bush.

Is It a Tax or Is It a Penalty?

Since SCOTUS questionably ruled the Obamacare fine a "tax", and not a fine, the IRS really has not determined a mechanism to collect the "taxes" due for your penalty for not signing up for PPACA. The normal mechanism is that, if you have a dispute with the government regarding your tax due, you pay the tax, then file the dispute on tax owed, waiting until Mt. Everest becomes a hole in the ground to obtain your final ruling, which you will lose by the way. Then you appeal, incurring attorney's fees/ CPA fees, other associated costs, where you will win in Appeals Court 80% of the time. When all is said and done, you will have incurred much more in costs than you will have returned to you by your friends at the IRS. All of this crap for something that has no hope of working in the first place. While I would never advise a client in such a case, I will say that, what I put for a penalty on that line on the tax return is an eraser smudge. By the time they get around to computing your "tax" penalty, the PPACA will likely be a blight on our history as a "free" republic  p.s. I could be wrong but not nearly as wrong as the Sham Wow salesman who is your Huckster-in-Chief who has knowingly lied about the PPACA from the get-go. It's getting to be a habit, pathologically so, in fact.

Pig Pickin'

Two words to describe the grilling taking place on C-SPAN right now--Well Done!

Disingenuous at It's Worst

Ask yourself, why is it that Obama's sycophants in Congress go ballistic when a copy of the various bills filed by their distinguished colleagues on the other side of the aisle are held up for all to see? Seriously, ask yourself. They try to drown out the member holding up their substitutes for the PPACA because they want you to continue to believe the other party had no alternatives. Several, in fact. Keep in mind too that I am a life-long democrat, disparaging some members of my own party. However, those I criticize are NOT democrats. I know what they really are and so do other discerning Ds.

Incompetence at It's Worst

With all the factors unknown to our prez, it may be that he really did not know there was a Gitmo until the beginning of his second term. He actually thought it was a new Ken doll to keep Barbie warm on crisp January nights.