Friday, February 9, 2018

This Democrat Party Is Not My Democrat Party

When I read of the quotes in email exchanges between Mark Warner and a lobbyist tied to HRC and a Russian Oligarch, I was absolutely bowled over. I know US Senator Mark Warner. He was instrumental in electing Doug Wilder as Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. He later served on his staff, as did my late wife. His explanation of the matter described just does not wash with me and it is of someone other than the Mark Warner than I knew. Mark co-chairs a Committee investigating the Russia debacle. What Mark describes as his "excuse" is specious. No matter how you cut it, that is double-dealing and outside the realm of honesty in the investigation. So Mark, if you don't like what you learn from the lobbyist, you just don't bring it to the Committee because it might implicate HRC? You consider that appropriate, honest? You are now tainted and should resign your co-chairmanship, although I seriously doubt you can be replaced by any other member of the minority party who would be any less dishonest. This party does not even resemble the Democratic Party I know. Mark Warner, I know Democrats and you are no Democrat.

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