Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obonzo, Lobbyists and Healthcare

This healthcare debacle is very instructive. Why? Obonzo has no substantive experience in the legislative process—he hasn’t a clue how legislation is drafted and submitted.

A member or legislative committee germinates an idea for a legislative bill [vehicle]. Member staff & committee staff in concert with former staff [lobbyists—THE institutional memory of congress] then develop a framework of language, objectives, etc. and submit it to Bill Drafting—an agency of Congress. NOTE: Member staff and committee staff come and go—elections—but lobbyists hang around like a bad penny [myself included]. Obama simply is not privy to this process—why would he be? How many pieces of legislation has he ever “authored”? He loves to say lobbyists should be carved out of the process altogether—how naïve. He doesn’t even know what lobbyists do.

Who wrote the healthcare bills? Lobbyists—those friendly with the democratic leadership. Who has now read the bills? We know it ain’t Obonzo. Most members of Congress, even staff, have not as you now know. It’s the other half of those on K St. and surrounding—lobbyists. The audacity of those bastards actually reading the bills and now letting us all know what is really being codified! Why do lobbyists do this? Because they CAN and they are highly compensated to do just that—read the damned bills.

FYI: Lobbyists wrote these healthcare vehicles [bills]. Only a socialist would approve of them. Lobbyists are going through this bill, line by line. You won’t believe what is really in these bills—see link to HR 3200 below, as of July 14 markup, as an example. Some line items in the bill will be noted separately.

When you criticize lobbyists, as the naïve POTUS does, with political expediency, keep in mind, there is not one person in these United States who is not represented by some lobbyist. In each piece of legislation, without exception, you will have one set of lobbyists who want you to drop the soap [HR 3200] and the other set of lobbyists who are attempting to protect your interests. In fact, every person in these United States has self-interest in every bill filed. That’s why we have lobbyists. That’s why every time BHO opens his mouth, the lobbyists laugh heartily. He thinks he can hoodwink you.

Go ahead and laugh along with us; it is warranted.

Steve Matthews


document at: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfmvvj8n_22hdwbjzfw

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