Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tariffs and Effects

I watch these guys pontificate and debate finance/ markets on FBN on a daily basis. There seems to be an inordinate FBN obsession with tariffs and their effects on finance/ markets. Neil Cavuto is especially obsessed with the nonsense. It is just that—a nonsense.
IF all tariffs are implemented that have been scheduled or indicated, and that is a big IF, tariffs make up less than three-tenths of one percent of our Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. It is not even statistically significant, by a large margin. One thing I have heard nothing of in any of the discussions is diversification of markets in the Far East Region itself. China has their foot on the necks of their other nations of the region. That is not good for the Far East and it is doubly nasty for US. These tariffs have the affect of leveling the playing field in the Far East, thereby leveling the playing field worldwide and that includes Europe. China has crushed the world economy and that has to end, post haste. I am not a fan of tariffs but this nonsense with China has reached epic proportions. If you think these tariffs are just about China, just disabuse yourself of that myopic/ naïve notion. This has everything to do with Free and Fair global trade.
Tariffs are already working their magic. Suppliers and Buyers are both looking to other markets in the Far East for their end users. That is quite healthy. We have too many eggs in one basket. That is absurdly ridiculous and dangerous. Viet Nam is a fast-emerging economy. Taiwan is an excellent source of goods and services and an ally. The same can be said for Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.
Take this to its logical conclusion, it could put Europe in a much better position. All of this is helpful to the USA.
This One World Order has been a complete disaster. The Presidents preceding this one sold US out. They did it too as a benefit to themselves and their closest Harvard/ Yale buddies. Trump is now carving them up like a Holiday turkey! Why do you think they are giving him Hell on Earth?! That they are and they are fighting for their very existence. If Trump wins, they lose big. Trillions! Those of you who think you are Socialists should be ecstatic! He is breaking up these cartels and spreading the resources more evenly, WORLDWIDE. It may be that some are just too dense to pick up on that little nugget. Union workers should be ecstatic. Ever heard of a union in China? With Trump’s success, union membership will escalate WORLDWIDE!
Think folks, think about it. If you think these nincompoops running against him are not part of the One World Order Bunch, think again. They are part and parcel of that bunch. They are your enemy, not Trump.

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