Friday, April 20, 2018

Medical Bankruptcy

One of the latest “Resist” movement indoctrination papers being touted by the George Soros/ Saul Alinsky Resist Party has to do with “Medical Bankruptcy”. Bless their little misguide hearts. This is what they learn in their Liberal Arts “education” on just about any campus in the USA. They like to refer to themselves as Democrats, largely due to the fact no one else will have them. None of them has a clue of Thomas Jefferson and his original Democrat-Republican Party Platform [See Below]. Yes Alice, it is in black and white.
Most of these children want to be just like “Socialist” Europe, none having ever stepped foot in Europe. There is not one Socialist State in Europe, mostly Social Democrat states. There remains only four Socialist States and none are in Europe. Those that were for even a short stint, are no longer extant, having realized it is a failed system but for their benevolent dictators, family and friends. Preceding their Liberal Arts foray in colleges and universities, most were warehoused in kindercare; a perfect beginning into the realm of communal living, largely without parental instruction. Their parent had other things to do, thus leaving little time for the drudgery of parenting.
They largely have the view that the system is the evil which befell them and it did but not realizing what system it was that actually did the damage. They blame everyone/ everything for their station in life without any sense of introspection, being wholly incapable of that. This phenomenon is largely due to that stellar “parenting”. They can give you a lengthy list of all the problems but having no conceptualization of a singular solution. So, what is their answer to everything? RESIST. RESIST everything and everyone—they typically blame it all on the Boomers—their grandparents. I know I blamed everything on my grandparents as I was growing up LMAO!
You will see that my background has been in management. One of my favorite exercises had to do with problem solving. When an employee came to me with a problem, I thanked them for that and then asked if they had a possible solution[s] to that problem—the audacity! It did not take long before they got the idea that their “suggestion” would require them to think before speaking. The “suggestion box” was a lot less cluttered. As an aside however, a few who had the ability of constructive thinking actually came up with some good possible solutions to some very real problems. Try that today and note the “deer in the headlights” countenance. It could cause some to eat laundry detergent or snort a condom.
I recently saw a screenshot having to do with “medical bankruptcies” on my timeline, touted by the Young Democrats of Pottawatomie County. Please note their background photo with the term, RESIST, in large font. This would be Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, not Cuba:
They assert 643,000 recent medical bankruptcies in the USA with all other countries in the world and a few planets having exactly “Zero”. There’s that liberal arts thingy rearing its ugly head again. They are pretty sure the rest of us, especially the Boomers, are just Neanderthal, having the class of a bull moose in a china closet, whilst Tide Pod spittle trickles from the corners of their respective mouths and a condom “dangleth” from thine nostril. Let me just add this; there’s not a Democrat in the lot and they are a good deal of the reason we, the Democratic Party in Oklahoma, can’t get the city dog pound officer elected. The Democratic Party long since passed, punted the ball, having not a sellable issue in the lot. We handed the keys to the Corvair to the GOP and all we have to offer now is to RESIST. Hell’s Bells, a four year old can do that!
I captured the following [Below] from a practicing bankruptcy attorney by the name of Sean Mays. You will find the same story about the 643,000 poor souls, disrupted by “medical bankruptcy”, in stories related by CNBC, Huffington Post, USA Today, Snopes of course, the Motley Fool, Yahoo, Pocahontas, Schumer, Pelosi, DNC, et al press offices of George Soros. It is Saul Alinsky 101 and I am sure they think we are so dense we can’t possibly know that. Watch as their eyes roll back into their little heads like a slot machine at the local casino while they peruse this—free entertainment:
Your question is difficult to answer because “medical bankruptcy” is more of a political term, not a legal one. You will not find “medical bankruptcy” in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and what constitutes a “medical bankruptcy” is debatable.
I practice bankruptcy law in the United States, and yes, I do have clients with medical debt. The overwhelming majority of these clients have medical insurance, and the medical bills are for amounts that are not covered by their plan. Anecdotally, I can say that none of my clients have ever complained of medical bills as their chief reason for wanting to file bankruptcy. Stopping a foreclosure, repossession or garnishment are the most common reasons. I have had, however, clients complaining of missed income due to medical conditions or disability, and stating that this loss of income was a contributing factor. These clients would fit the definition of “medical bankruptcy”, at least as that term is defined by Elizabeth Warren. Editorial Note:  This would be Pocahontas for the unwashed—a “Minority Member” from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts :-)
If, for the purposes of your question, we are defining “medical bankruptcy” in the same manner as Elizabeth Warren’s research, then I would respectfully disagree with the other contributors who posit that medical bankruptcy does not occur outside of the United States. As others have pointed out, most other countries have a form of universal or single payer healthcare. But, this does not mean that citizens in those countries do not have medical debt or that their citizens would have no need to file a “medical bankruptcy”. Canada, for example, has universal health insurance which is paid primarily through their tax system. Not all medical costs are covered, however. For example, one survey of Canadian debtors published in 2014, found that prior to bankruptcy, two-thirds of the respondents reported bills for prescriptions drugs greater than $5,000.00 CA. Canadians also experience lost income due to missed work, which would also be considered a “medical bankruptcy”.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service also provides free health care, but that doesn’t mean there is no “medical bankruptcy” in the UK. It is still possible to opt-out of the NHS coverage and obtain private coverage in order to obtain faster treatment or medical treatments that are not covered by the NHS (although this is infrequent). It is also just as possible to lose income due in the UK due to a medical condition. In fact, reports published by their Insolvency Service do list “illness” as primary and secondary causes of bankruptcy in a percentage of cases. These would qualify as a “medical bankruptcy” under the definition crafted by Sen. Warren.  Editor’s Note:  That would actually be George Soros.
Another thing to consider is that it would be an apples-to-oranges comparison. Health care in other countries is paid mostly through their tax systems. So could you consider unpaid tax bills as “medically related”? Also, the bankruptcy laws and processes can be drastically different between countries. Many consider the consumer bankruptcy laws in the United States to be favorable to the debtor. For example, in the United States it is actually possible to keep large amounts of assets and still receive a discharge of your debts. A family filing for a “medical bankruptcy” in the United States could still keep tens of thousands of dollars in equity in their home and other personal property, along with their complete retirement savings and certain other assets. These are results that cannot be obtained in many other countries. Personally, I have assisted debtors in discharging all of their unsecured debt while being able to keep approximately $90,000.00 in equity in a home (this is not typical, but was possible due to the specifics circumstances of the case).
Bankruptcy is only one of many solutions to a financial problem. The problem you truly seem to be asking about is the financial impact of illness and disability. It is my own opinion that using the number of bankruptcy filings as a sort of proxy to compare these financial impacts in various countries is not going to give you accurate results.
Just for the Shites and Giggles, I am providing the original Democratic Party Platform in the Comments [Below]. Let’s see who might be the DUMBA$$E$; the Boomers or the present day little children of God—will they comprehend a word of it? If anyone reading this might presume I am being a bit hard on our little snowflakes, peruse their website. It is chock full of Horseshite on their vast knowledge of the Boomer Generation and just about everything else they post. As with this and all else I post, it meets my Three Rules of Social Media Posting: Is it fair? Is it accurate? Does it have maybe just a wee bit ‘o spun humor? Political Correctness is not one of my rules—it is reserved for amateurs. Happy days are here again.

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