Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Russkies Did It

The Russkies Did It
Steve Barnes Lost by 56 Votes
Or Did He?
Did Steve Barnes lose by 56 votes? Not! The Libertarian garnered 33 votes and a Libertarian would not vote for a democrat. Thus, Steve Barnes lost by 89 votes, in reality. Get over it. Was it Russian interference? That is what the DNC would have us believe.
We just had two special elections—Georgia’s 6th and Kansas 4th to fill vacancies due to two members being appointed to the Trump Cabinet. When I heard the DNC harping that they had a real shot to win those seats, I laughed. Did the Russkies win those two seats for the GOP?
Trump won 37 States in the Electoral College and HRC won 13, a new low, underline LOW! The GOP now owns 4,170 State Legislature Seats to 3,129 for the DNC. The GOP owns 33 Governors seats and 32 State Legislatures. You should know that the Governor of ANY State is the de facto Electoral Boss. The GOP owns 2,623 Counties vs. 489 for the DNC. That is where the rubber meets the road—local grassroots. Period! Is this a recent phenomenon? Hell NO, the shift began to take form in 1980. Did the Russians do it?
The new DNC Chairman, Tom Perez, an avowed Marxist, just announced the firing of all DNC staff. Good move—however, who is going to fire that freak? The problem is the message and the messengers, pictured below. Do you thing the message or messengers are having any effect on those states now owned by the GOP? The Counties? The Governors? The State Legislatures/ Legislators? I do, but it ain’t gonna win them NOTHIN’—no elections, no special elections, no NOTHIN’. It/ they will only exacerbate an already hopeless situation they carved out by parting with the Party of Jefferson. There simply is no Democratic party, in effect.
The Democratic Party does not even have a vote in either chamber of Congress. You will hear that it takes 60 votes to pass legislation, of a certain kind, in the Senate—the Ds will simply Filibuster and 60 votes are required to “Invoke Cloture”. Here is a little something everyone needs to understand—they know it and I know it, having served as staff in Congress:
Try to find “filibuster” or “cloture” in the US Constitution. Hint—they are not there. There is not even any statutory authority for either. It is a Senate Rule ONLY. All the Majority Leader is required to do is Suspend the Rules and voila, no filibuster, no cloture required. By the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, and Statutes, pursuant thereto, a Simple Majority ONLY is required to pass law, in either chamber, just as was done in the SCOTUS Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch. That’s it—just disabuse yosef of any other doofus notion; it is a myth.
The Democratic Party does not even have hope of their vote affecting anything. That is why they are on TV every day prattling and lying like dogs, digging their hole deeper and deeper and deeper. Is it working? I would stipulate that all they remind me of is a bus load of drunken, knife-wielding caballeros, yelping at a cock fight in Nogales. Good luck, George Soros! Bang, bang, de la morte’…
The overriding factor that Trumps all of the above is the US Supreme Court. It is practically a given that, by the time of the next full session of the Court, about this time next year, there will be two more new members, due to retirements that will make this a 7-2 Constitutional Originalist Supreme Court. Spurious Case Law advocates will be rendered insignificant. Why is that so important?
Try to find healthcare or insurance or anything like it in the Constitution. It’s just not there. The GOP lawmakers know this too; thus, they can pass anything to appease their squeaking constituents, knowing the new SCOTUS will strike any such bill down. It can only be accomplished by a Constitutional Amendment. Period!
Until we are rid the pictured messengers and message of the present “Democratic” Party, we will have neither voice nor vote.

ONLY Thomas Jefferson can breathe life back into this Party.

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