Saturday, October 3, 2015

Band Uniforms from Planet of the Monkeys

The Seminole Band Boosters FB site did not like my recently shared post of the SHS Band video yesterday. Here is what I wrote: Just take a gander at this! He!!, the Class of ''65 "Cheerleaders" made them look like derelicts! Just like last week's away game too.How would I caption this?--"Dressed for Success?" Or, better yet, "Suitable for 3 days of Rolling in the Mud at Woodstock". Embarrassing and downright disrespectful! Someone need remove head from A$$! Deplorable! WTF! / NOTE to Seminole Band Boosters: What I posted above is truthful AND accurate. Don't like it? Break out the uniforms and dress like you have a little self-respect rather than a punk rock band from Poughkeepsie. BTW--your PM to me was childish, churlish and a true reflection of your insolence. It's a school band, not a nightclub act at a Ho House.

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