Monday, August 16, 2010

Attention Patriots: It seems Facebook has taken to removing the Gadsen Flag from FB postings for their[cont.]

own reasons. Apparently, their objection to the flag is that it has been adopted by the Tea Party Movement as a symbol. Whatever! That is not the reason[s] I fly the flag [my FB Profile Photo]. I am not a member of the Tea Party or Tea Party movement. I had heard a rumor that Facebook had been doing this and I felt strongly that what they were doing was wrong. I refreshed my memory of the Gadsen Flag and when I did, I thought I should fly it proudly, whenever and wherever I so wish.
Here is what I read:
If I have to make a choice of Facebook or any other social network and The Gadsen Flag, it will be no contest. I will fly the Flag and stand by the Bill of Rights. Facebook and any other Progressive movement or organization that disputes either will be my sworn enemy. I hope that is not why my account was disabled but I fully expect it is and if so, I would have closed it down myself.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

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