Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Congress Bought and Paid For?

OK, here goes. A little background first. I served two governors on staff--extended staff in the only executive agency of the Office of Governor. I served the second governor as personal, senior staff and ran a state agency, all of which was over a 10 year period. Secondly, I served as personal, special assistant to a Member of Congress who served on the all-powerful House Appropriations Committee. Thirdly, I served in the capacity of government relations for a period of 13 years in Washington, DC--that would be as a "Lobbyist" and manager of lobbyists. All total, I have 25 years of service at the seat of state government, federal government and have spent time in the White House, "lobbying" if you will. The above is from someone who has no such background and has missed the problem 100%. This "bought" Congress was elected by those who took the time to vote and even more importantly, those who sat home instead on their dead collective ass.When you see polling on how effective Congress is, you see a number of about 15% and it has been that way for decades. However, when you see the same pollster, asking those same polled, how they rate their individual Congressman, they poll at about 75%. We love our own Congressman but hate Congress. If Congress is comprised of idiots and "bought" individuals, just try to keep in mind who elected them. The person in the WH and the persons in Congress were elected, largely by idiots, about 50% of whom are bought and paid for, i.e. "Free Stuff". Of the other 50%, they are largely comprised of uneducated individuals who have no earthly clue what it is they would like the WH or Congress to do. In my 25 years of service, I have never seen any legislator, governor, congressman or president bought by anyone, certainly not by corporate interests anyway. Corporate participation is a brand new phenomenon. No one in office presently was elected under this new scheme. Nor have any of you who are reading this now. Number 1: GO VOTE OR STFU. Number 2: Educate yourself and vote for what is best for your locale, state, country, not what lines your own pockets, speaking of "bought and paid for." The gentleman you see in the clip above has absolutely no clue. I would take that to its logical conclusion. Any MSNBC "Contributor" is clueless as well. Thank God the Supreme Court is not elected!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

What Would Harry S Truman do ...

That Peaceful Religion

Just one more example of their contribution to America...

WTC and Windows on the World

I have spent days in the former WTC; in both my Oklahoma industrial development days, as well as a lobbyist in New York. A number of times, I stayed in the Westin Hotel in one of the towers. I also attended a number of functions in Windows on the World [Pictured below], as well as sitting down in that restaurant. I resent and will never forget that it became a hole in the ground, although this is an impressive memorial. I will neither forget nor forgive until the forces of evil that caused this are erased from history and memory.

If allah and G-d are one in the same, then consider me an atheist.