As we wander again, aimlessly, trying as we might
to make certain that every US citizen has healthcare and health insurance, two
very distinctly different subjects, we should be reminded again, why that is
just not possible. When the framers were setting up this system of government,
they chose very few federal prerogatives knowing that a central government
cannot fix a one size fits all framework outside of that small list in Art 1
Section 8. It just cannot be done. It could not be accomplished even for 13
very distinctly different Colonies and it will never be done with 50 states and
the District of Columbia. The Colony of New York and the Colony of Rhode Island
were not even remotely alike, then or now. Today, the former Colonies, and now
States, of Maryland and Virginia are so different they might as well be on
different planets. I lived in Virginia for a quarter century and I KNOW this to
be true.
I have been to the remotest stretches
of NW China and I have been to Mexico City. If you wander outside of the Zona
Rosa in Mexico City, or visit that region of China, you too would remark that
no one in the US of A lives in poverty. Period! That is a fact, not fake news.
This problem exists in each and every
form of government known to man. They have all tried to fix it and all have
failed; socialism, communism, capitalism, democracy et al. If you try to design
a fix by instituting a totalitarian regime, headed by a benevolent dictator,
you will fail. Giving that kind of power to a “king” is destined to fail. The
framers were well acquainted with such totalitarian regimes and they came up
with our form of government to avoid that and avoid the possibility of that in
our Constitution. Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Absolute power in the hands of a despot is merely a weapon.
“But, you say, we all have a right to
healthcare and even health insurance.” Or, “But some will not have healthcare
or health insurance if we don’t fix it”. Where in God’s name did you come up
with that nonsensical idea? Here is a concept for you. In the good ole USA, we
are all born with an equal opportunity to succeed. Some do, some do not, no
matter your form of centralized government. In every system of government, the
cream rises to the top and the failed sleep in a shanty, or under a bridge.
Guess what, we do not all have a car—5%
of the driving age population do not have a car. Many of those cannot even
afford a bus ticket. Go figure. Guess what else; 14% of those who do have an
automobile do not have auto insurance. The vast majority of us do not have a
home in Palm Springs, or even closer to home, in Nichols Hills. Guess what
else; 4% of us never make it until our 25th birthday, almost 1% of
us reside in prison, 10% of us do not have a cell phone. Sad but true.
A campaign slogan of former president,
Harry S. Truman, was “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage”. That
was almost 70 years ago. Nice slogan but we are nowhere near that even now and
it just won’t happen anytime soon.
Is any of the above really a role of
the federal government? More importantly, is any of the above something any
centralized government can fix? Think about that and think about that statement
of any of this being a RIGHT, whether our Constitution, the Magna Carta or anything
else, including the Bible.
Whatever Congress and the President
decide about a law instituting healthcare/ insurance will again head to the
Supreme Court [SCOTUS], bet large on that. The makeup of this Court will be
quite different than the last charade that ruled on the ACA. It is my
understanding that the latest nominee is a Constitutional Originalist. I guess
we are “fixin’ to find out”. If he is a said Originalist, whatever the role of
Fed Gov remains at the federal level is in jeopardy, other than a pass through
to the States, where it belongs.
The role of SCOTUS is not to make a
value judgement, as did the previous Court. The role of the Court is to
determine the Constitutionality of a law and the Statutes pursuant thereto.
They are to look at whether Art 1 Section 8, and laws pursuant, includes a
federal role in healthcare, period. It does not, simply stated. Read it
yourself and tell me the Fed Gov even has a dog in that hunt. But, you say, “We
all have a RIGHT…”
While we all here are born with the
same equal opportunity, we all don’t end up with equal results. Ah yes, those
prickly laws of nature… Where you end up is what you earn, not what the
government provides. If your self-worth and self-reliance takes you to a lofty
life style, I say well deserved. If it is however, based upon what you get from
the government, you are simply a ward of the state and that just ain’t very
lofty. If you have an iPhone and a BMW and live in mommy’s basement and daddy
paid for it all, you didn’t earn it, mommy and daddy did. Your
self-actualization is determined by yourself, individually, by what you earn;
not that of mommy and daddy, not Fed Gov. YOU!
For those of you who say that
healthcare/ insurance should be a federal prerogative, there are two ways to
amend the Constitution to get that done. The framers provided those mechanisms
and that is why it is a “Living Document”; it can be expanded in time if it is
determined a sufficient enough priority to include. It only takes ¾ of the
States to agree to an amendment. Good luck Chuck! Please note that I said
STATES—we are a Republic, not a free for all democracy as some would wish. Otherwise,
it is just another Letter to Santa Wish List. It is not the role of the Fed Gov
to make sure we all have a car, iPhone, live to collect Social Security, a home
in Palm Springs or even healthcare/ insurance, dread the thought. “If wishes
were fishes…” Where/ when did we come up with thinking we deserve all of this
crap or that it is a RIGHT? Ultimately, you will get what you paid for and you
will get paid for what you earn. THAT is a veritable right.
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