Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Historical or Hysterical?

I am going to begin this exercise by saying what I always do. What I reduce to writing, especially on such an important subject, is true and accurate to the best of my ability. I try to lighten the subject a wee bit with a humorous spin. The one thing that you will not find in any of my writings is political correctness. There is no such thing. If you try to accommodate political correctness, you have already lost; just lay down your Big Chief and Jumbo pencil and get out your 64 Crayons and draw silly pictures.
I do not plan to rewrite my book here. If you would like my rendition of the totality of this, the book is there for anyone to read. This will be a simple synopsis of the sense of that story.
The Cradle of Civilization was not Africa, either before or after the flood. That begins the PC version of history; as stated, if that is your version, go grab those crayons and play with yourself. The original Cradle was perfectly described and it was nowhere near Africa. In fact, the original Cradle and the new Cradle were not far apart, both before and after the flood. See the maps of Urartu or Ur of Abraham fame, i.e. Land of Ur. There is a present day depiction of 1969 plus two perspectives on Google Destop Maps that I have plotted.
Another silly myth that needs to be dismissed summarily is that our world only began with the civilization of mankind in Greco-Roman terms with about everyone else being lumped into a spurious category of “Celts” or “Celtic”. If one was not Greek, Roman or Celtic, they were knuckle draggers attempting to leave their cocoon of Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal, hoping to evolve someday to rival the “civilized” Greco-Romans. Disabuse yourself of that myth, perpetuated by the likes of the BBC and Alfred E. Newman.
Greco-Romans are Johnny Come Lately in historical terms. They did not just sprout of the ground like mushrooms and become cultured, building great cities and drinking fine wines at a Bacchanalian. We all know that mushrooms grow best in a bed of shite; that part about these mushrooms is plausible. This part of the world was the recipient of the many great Diaspora that occurred over time. The same can be said of the “Great Builders of the Pyramids”. Point of fact, the same great builders built the Pyramids, Solomon’s Temple, everything in Greece and Rome, beyond the mud huts in which they lived, and by the same Unit of Measurement, no less so than Stonehenge and all the other mysteries of great construction. They are still a mystery to us but not to those who built them.
These great builders were not lost either, never were. They knew who they were and know where they are now. They were only lost to the Greco-Roman Myth Makers. They dispersed to the four corners of the earth. In some cases they assimilated more than others. In other cases, they went incognito, adopting pseudonyms [Gwaithfoed for instance], symbolic surnames [Pereira and Ballasteros are good examples]. Their dispersions are recorded by ancient historians and shown on maps. See maps.
“Celts” is a western world term that is a catch-all for hundreds of tribes, devolved from more than 30 population groups, with “celts” being just a smidgen of that population. They came from Gomer, who came from Japeth, who came from Noah. All who came before Noah drowned like rats.
From Shem came the Semites and from Ham came the anti-Semites. From Gomer came the Gentiles, those of us today who are the only ones who actually pay retail for goods and services. That is the reason gentiles were put here, somebody has to pay retail or the economy will fold like a sand castle in a hurricane. See the Table of Nations. Not one tribe, coming from any of those 3 stems, like each other, to put it mildly and darned if we aren’t tribal still today. Most of the Jewish tribes were dispersed first to E. Anatolia, while others were taken east into Persia and south into lands on the east side of the Gulf of Aquaba. Those in Anatolia were later put in a shaker with mostly gentiles, shaken and not stirred, and have been on the move ever since, to the four corners of the earth. Besides the map, you can refer to the paper on the Table of Nations, which is in great detail. It is not perfect but it largely captures the sense of it all.
It just gets better… Let’s take a big leap forward to the Birth of Christ, a result of an Immaculate Conception. Which Birth of Christ? The Apostolic Church of the “heathen” Khumri followed mostly James, the appointed Apostle, not Pope Linus. They do not date from the chosen Birthdate [See Constantine]. Their dating is from the time of the Passion, thus, the dating methods are already off by approximately 33 years. Since Constantine directed the traffic during the Canonization, he chose December 25 to coincide with a pagan event. Most serious researchers, including Rabbis who studied ancient Hebrew and ancient Hebrew customs put the Birth at around March 25, following absolute Hebrew customs. Lest we forget, Christ was an ethnic Jew, as were mommy and daddy. He was not black as the PC version insists.
The Eastern Church [Later known as the Orthodox Church] have something also more closely following reality and, in fact, rejected much of the Church of Rome aka the Pauline Church, including the date of Easter aka Oester, in pagan terms. The Pauline Church went again with Constantine and chose a pagan observed holiday for their celebration. You will note they rarely fall anywhere near one another. Thus, we already have multiple rates and dates and stories told by different parties. The Roman Church rewrites their histories in Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland etc. By the time of Gwaithfoed, the only thing Roman Catholic were a few monks, wandering about aimlessly, eating nuts and berries, whilst chanting like a room full ‘o woodchucks.
Ireland adopted its own form of Catholicism, an offshoot of sorts from their own Apostolic leanings sometime during the 6th Century to the time of Gwaithfoed. The Roman Church thought they had a deal which they loaded with goodies, but their acceptance was really with a wink and a nod. You see, the Roman brand of Catholicism was really courtesy of Paul, who appointed the first “Pope”, Linus. Never did it follow Peter as Christ had stipulated. After Peter’s demise, the Apostles generally followed James, as Christ set out in the Apostle of Thomas, never canonized by the Three Stooges. The canonization did not follow what they largely set out to do in the first place—they originally set out to only canonize those books from Apostles themselves. That would have ruled out many of the books that we got from the canonization but it would have ruled in many that they had hoped were lost forever. I have read all of the books; those ruled in and those ruled out, subsequent to those other books having been rediscovered at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea find. Following those discoveries, the Pauline Church is largely without clothes. It should also be noted that these books have been readily available in Ethiopia all along. The doofs just thought they had destroyed all the evidence.
It should be added that Paul and those Apostles appointed by Christ, all 12 of them, independently corroborated, one to the other, did not see eye to eye. Paul was called on the carpet a number of times, with James acting as Chairman of the Board. It finally came to a head one day in Jerusalem. Paul was summarily dismissed and history does not record where he went. See the attached, “Where Did Paul Go?”
For a long time in history, many forms of Catholicism developed, as did many forms of Orthodox Christianity. Apostolic Christianity was predominant in the British Isles, in various forms. If you know your church history, you know that France had its own brand of Catholicism, if you will. They did not look to the Vatican in Rome. They had their own “Vaticans”, ruled primarily from Avignon. In France, the only time the Vatican in Rome and the Vatican in Avignon saw fit to cooperate was when it was time to kill a few notables, e.g. Merovingians and Templars, for example. Other than that, France really followed the Apostle Mary, if you will—see Notre Dame.
It should be noted that during this time in world history, Kings were crowned by the Pope. Not only that, but their marriages had to have the imprimatur of the Pope. That ended, in England at least, with Henry VIII. While that was a good thing, they just traded a Bishop for a Pope, and the Church of England became the new Vatican in London.
The first major upheaval occurred in 1054, when the Eastern Church and the Roman Church formally split the sheets. That schism remains today and I just do not see any reconciliation in my crystal ball. This schism generally split the modern world into East and West. However, East of the Orthodox world, we did have some splinter groups such as Hindu, Shinto, Confucianism, etc. In the West, the splinter groups tended to be Apostolic but sprinkling in the occasional Druid. The Druids seemed to dance to their own sheet music while most Jews, whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi tended to do their thing deep underground. Meanwhile, in the desert, Mohammed sprung up out of nowhere.
Most have no clue of Druidism and their role in Wales especially. They played an important role in the machinations of the governments of Lords. The chief Arch-Druid was called the Blegwryd, the Keeper of the Laws. Those Laws were not written, they were mnemonic and passed mnemonically from Arch-Druid to Arch-Druid. The church did everything they could to systematically kill every last Druid and they almost succeeded. Almost, however, is only pertinent with hand grenades, horseshoes and 6th Grade sex. They did not kill them all. Neither did they destroy all the ancient writings in that land, although they gave it the old college try. Those that remained were considered heretical and had to be castigated and discredited. Silly boys!
All the while that this was taking place, the church in Rome continued to stick to the party line that they were the only real game in town. The rest of us however, still do not know for sure whether the Vatican is a City, a State or a Church. Others aren’t sure if it is a social fraternity, calling each other brother incessantly, or some kind of government entity with its own federal bank. Things rocked along nicely, in their own inimitable way of thinking, in spite of the confusion until something called the Reformation occurred, brought about by Martin Luther and continued by John Calvin, at attorney. Confusion then turned into Chaos and the rest is history. Luther adherents went one direction and Calvinists in another. Chaos still rules today. We have more denominations today than there were tribes to house them. Thank God for the Establishment Clause. Jefferson tried his best, with Madison, to ratify the Separation Clause but they fell short and the result is the Establishment Clause. They were successful in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Separation Clause is alive and well in the Statutes of the Commonwealth.
This Chaos all seemed to coincide nicely with King Henry VIII and his trusty sidekick, Ollie Cromwell; no mention of Stanley anywhere. King Henry was quite happy to give ole Ollie the reins, whilst he worked his way through a goodly number of wife-queens. Ollie, by the way, was actually a surname Williams, quintessentially Welsh. Henry of course was half-Welsh, through his maternal line. This prompted the first schism in the Mathew family—they were now thoroughly confused, largely due to the fact that Henry and Ollie went one way and they found themselves in a predicament. It was at this juncture that the new Church of England was formed, aka Anglican Church, aka Episcopalian Church, aka Catholic-Lite.
All of this led to what became known as the Plantations, in Northern Ireland. This is where it began to get really hinky with the Mathew family; resulting in the Big Shakedown and forcing all parties to declare—Catholic or Recusant, no in between. If you remained tied to Rome, you were about to have all of your landed estates absconded with, escheated to the State [Church] unless you chose to recuse, in England, Ireland, S. Scotland and Wales. The estates in Wales had been theirs for a millennium, reiterated by Kings Eddie II and III, and written into the Kings Books. In addition, they had accumulated vast estates in their newly adopted Ireland. All now were in jeopardy. In addition, the massive estates of Lady Mary Elizabeth Poyntz, an ardent Catholic, was now on the table, awaiting orders.
Now I hearken your attention to the specifics of the matter in Ireland, in the next chapter, Coincidence or Cause and Effect?
What prompted all this can be found in a paper I wrote after receiving information about a book written by a Bryson family researcher. He included a chapter on his related Matthews and Doak families. It brought a number of new facts that neither Helen Odum Harrell nor I had previously uncovered. The name of that paper is New Facts on Matthews in Bryson Book. This prompted me to look at my research again and look in an altogether different direction. That led to the revised FTM file and relevant writings you are viewing today. I found the missing link.
In conclusion, it is an absolute fact that this family has been studied extensively and documented to an extent that even some of the big name royal families have not seen. I was personally engaged to tie the Old World Mathew family to the New World Matthews family. What is baffling about all that is why did the interest in this family just cease to exist in our recent history? That is just not plausible. This family was documented back to Ithel Ddu, aka Gwaithfoed, by noted historians and royal genealogists; Bartrum and Clark just to name two notables. If you have read the writings of ancient historians, including early church documents in Wales, as I have, you will learn that our documented history goes back even further to very early recorded history in S. Wales.
Granted, there have been numerous attempts to obscure the lines, with Gwaithfoed being the perfect example. If you know who Ithael Ddu is in Welsh history, then you know that was one of those cases in which you were sent on a wild goose chase. Another case in point is the very large persona of Iestyn ap Gwrgan[t], who is largely obscured from his parentage. If you know what you are looking for, he was anything but obscured. His lineage was objected to however, by clerics of the Church of Rome, constantly bickering with Welsh Lords over their intent to “keep it in the family”. Keep it in the family they did however and Iestyn was one such product of that practice, due to their adherence to Gavelkind. He was a direct descendant of Gwaithfoed by a very incestuous tryst. The church doeth freaketh!
You see, crowned princes or kings du jour had to be crowned and guess who had to crown them—the church of course. In the royal blood line however, no crowning was required, nor other imprimatur was necessary. They were royal by their blood. They didn’t need no stinking kings, princes or popes to concur with their authority. They were born with it. Further information is in my book but here is one quote that will give this some light:
In The Constitutent Estates of Sovereignty, subtitled, In Each of the Five Principalities of Wales, by Thomas Hopkins Mss, it states, No one of the 3 diademed [crowned] princes is entitled to exercise the power of sovereignty over either Glamorgan or the territory of Elystan Glodrydd [Gwent] territories of the fetter or torque wearing Lords. (You can’t trump Holy/Royal Blood). Also stated, The prerogatives of supreme sovereignty, and organizing an assemblage of all Wales, do not appertain to the Prince of Glamorgan [& Gwent], who exercise such rights only within Glamorgan, Gwent and Gower, with their dependencies; and the tribe of Elystan Gloddrydd is similarly circumscribed.At this time in Welsh history, there were 3 who wore the torque in succession: Gwaithfoed, Morgan Hen & Elystan Gloddryd aka Iestyn ap Gwrgan[t].
          The point of all this is to say it is well documented but some of the “documenters” obscured the lines to protect the interests of the church and their hand-picked “royals”. Having said that, I reiterate that it is impossible to believe that our history is not well known by some, including the missing pieces, to date. If you have studied some of the landed estates documentation, you will find that entail was cut, “due to no male heirs”, in 1817, I recall, or thereabouts. Well, that is just not true. There were and still are male heirs; it is stated as such due to the fact that the Catholic heirs are alive and well and have been living in London for generations. The other male heirs have been living on a different Continent about that same length of time. End of story, lines sufficiently obscured once again.

That is understandable but why would we here in the US of A want to obscure the lines? There is probably an answer in some church somewhere. The one in the cornerstone of the Pineville Methodist Church seems to have gotten away.

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