Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whoops - A Must Read


It seems there is no mechanism to provide for a tax subsidy for folks signing up for PPACA [ObamaScare]. Thus, it may not be appearing on the 2013 Tax Year 1040 forms. You see, such subsidy requires a revenue measure and revenue measures must go through the GOP-Controlled House of Representatives. Ya think that has a chance? When pigs fly! Last night, word on the streets, the WH gurus were huddled in a panic mode about how that can be fixed. I’m sure they were discussing ways to get around the problem, administratively. Not gonna happen. The revenue necessary to fund this will be massive. Ya just can’t pull it outta a hat like a rabbit. When this becomes more publicly known, there will be a lotta folks out there, who are looking for their free ObamaScare goodies, only to find out there aren’t any. They’ll be seeking neck measurements and lookin’ for some new rope for some really big necks.

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