It is real simple, folks:
A simple bill in each of the 50 states [Where insurance regulation belongs] would disallow dumping a client from her/ his health insurance plan. Any insurance company who does not adhere to such will lose its license to insure in that state. In fact, no insurance company will be provided with a license to practice in such state without that being in their contract with the respected Insurance Commission. ALL 50 states have one.
For $5 Billion, each and every man, woman and child in the USA can be relieved of the Pre-existing condition debacle – that is one half of one day in federal revenue. It can be done in a simple Block Grant to the states [Where insurance regulation belongs]. See paragraph above.
Health Savings Accounts legislation to be required in each of the 50 states [Where insurance regulation belongs].
Federal legislation, which would be required [Commerce Clause--Uniform Commercial Code], allowing for interstate portability of healthcare insurance and contingent legislation passed in each of the 50 states [Where insurance regulation belongs].
It’s real simple. The above 4 points would solve the entire problem. That assumes however, healthcare is the real goal, which unfortunately, it is not. The PPACA is simply about control vs. federalism. It is about the Constitution itself which the powers that be despise. There is a Suggested State Legislation Committee of the Nat’l Conference of State Legislatures, that I worked with over the years that could get ‘er done. Hell, I could get this done—just gimme the gavel!
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