JFK Reagan and Trump
JFK did 4 things that were nothing short of a stroke of brilliance. His stimulus package was a tax cut, jobs, investment program that was nothing short of remarkable as it was prescient. His Jobs/ Investment Tax Credit was founded in a very simple premise. A Tax Credit is preferable to small business rather than big business which prefers a reduction of income rather than tax. Secondly, he instituted "Operation Twist". It also had a very simple but brilliant premise. It was to lower, by various mechanisms, the long-term interest rates, while increasing, also by various mechanisms, short-term interest rates; thereby, halting inflation while causing long term investment in plant and equipment [JOBS]. The Tax Credit and Operation Twist operated in tandem to spur a boom in the economy. His third prong was to maintain the Gold Standard, also by various mechanisms, at all cost. Finally, he assembled the best WH staff in modern history. That is how a Democrat is supposed to do it. His stimulus was so successful, the IDIOT who followed him thought it would be cute to use that new revenue to the Treasury to put an entire generation on the dole. His premise was simple too, VOTES! Now we have three successive generations on the dole, along with unmitigated open borders, both having the same premise--VOTES. I am still not sure which was the bigger FOOL; Johnson or Carter. In my years here as the Intergovernmental Liaison for a brilliant political scientist and governor, I worked directly, face to face and hand in hand with 3 presidential administrations--Carter, Reagan and Clinton. Carter's WH staff was a bunch 'o damn Georgia Crackas who were the most ineffective collection of dolts I ever saw. Then, along came Reagan; he put together the most formidable WH staff, comparable and maybe even equal to the JFK White House. They got things DONE and were effective in what they did. That was why both JFK and Reagan had unrivaled success. If you don’t surround yourself with the right staff, forget about it.
I will give Clinton kudos for putting together a darned good staff. However, JFK and Reagan get the honors for the best of the best in the 20th Century, without parallel. Both JFK and Reagan had as their centerpiece, a Tax Cut/ Reform program with a design to win. Both received all but a kicking of dirt in their respective face from their own respective parties. Neither gave a S*^T; they both kicked the dirt right back in their antagonist’s faces. They believed what they were doing was right and the rest is history. Unfortunately, JFK did not live to see the fruits of his labor.
Now enter Stage 3, the 21st Century, and Donald J. Trump. He is about as popular with both parties as both JFK and Reagan. Guess what; he doesn’t give a S*^T either. In fact, I believe he relishes that fact. I believe he him to be the best Democrat since JFK
:-) That, by the way, is neither a typo nor an auto-correct poofaw. He is putting together a first-class, “Dollar a Year” bunch that will be comparable to that of JFK and Reagan. He is doing it in spite of the Idiots on Capitol Hill. The votes are there for his proposed Tax/ Jobs Investment Tax Cut & Reform. Like his two predecessors, he believes it to be the right thing to do and that it will be a Boom in the economy. It already has been and has largely been discounted in the Stock Market. The premise is both as simple as effective as that of JFK and Reagan. The kingpin in this case will be the $4 Trillion in a return of capital in accounts abroad of USA corporations. If you have even a basic understanding of macro-economics, you will know that will come back in spades. That $4 Trillion has what are known as economic and employment multipliers. In terms of those multipliers, that $4 Trillion will provide an additional “bump” of another $3 Trillion, at a minimum, in additional capital created. The employment multipliers will have about the same factor in terms of jobs. For every job created, another 3-4 jobs in the secondary industries will result. Simple, but brilliant! My political science “degree” was “On the Job Training”, hands on and as a student of truly brilliant political geniuses. I can be objective about who had the best staff, notwithstanding party or an uneducated bias or two. Following this tax cut and the brilliant stroke of dismissing the wholly unconstitutional ObamaCare Mandate especially will be a boom. I am pretty sure I know who will win the war between the powers that be in Congress and the White House, and add to that, the Judiciary. If history is any guide, and it is, Trump wins. Following the Tax Cut/ Reform, watch the whiteboard. He will be putting up one mark on it after the other. Washington, DC is actually built on what was a swamp and that is not just a silly metaphor. I watched that swamp become a sewer, living there for over 25 years. It became a sewer; I think he is about to return it to its former swamp status, in the least and maybe even better.
JFK, Reagan and now Trump believe[d] in the Constitution; it is best you don’t mess with my Constitution, you will lose in the end. I think what I find most humorous about Trump is that he is not from the “Swamp”; he is not one of them. They don’t know how to take him because he is a wholly unknown factor in that sewer. I’m sure they believe they are smarter and more politically astute than he; that is why they struggle and look silly most of the time. It is a losing battle for them. Trump wins! BTW—all three, JFK, Reagan and Trump had some major blunders in office, and all three would admit that, but that is part of a learning curve in the White House. The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts, even in the White House.
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