Thursday, May 11, 2017

Polling Is Not So Easy - If You Want to Do It Right

Polling Is Not So Easy
If You Wish to Do It RIGHT
I spoke often during the election, especially in the last 2 week run-up to the election. Some of you may recall that I said DO NOT LISTEN TO THE POLLS. Neither campaign did, nor should YOU. Inside the campaigns, they have what are Internal Tracking Polls. They are relatively expensive to conduct but very, very accurate. YOU will never see these unless you are inside the campaign. They are NOT national polls. They are state by state polls and reflect the Electoral Process itself [Hint: We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Free-for-All, South of the Border, Banana Republic, “Democracy”]. They use very scientific methods, especially considering the Stratified Random Sampling [SRS], NOT Random Sampling. SRS is a mirror image of the in-state population. How many Ds, how many Rs, how many Is, how many Ls, black, white, Hispanic, 10 year age brackets, etc., etc. It is a true snapshot of the population. It is also issues oriented so it crosses hard political lines. This is done in each State!
I had predicted that Clinton was dead even 10 days prior to the election. I also provided an Electoral Map on Facebook that showed that Minnesota, Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia and N Carolina were not only in play but that Trump was making strong favorable movements in those states. Some of my FB Friends were quite dismissive but also rather nasty in saying I was borderline nuts. Well, guess who the nuts were. I have been in this campaign game for many years. I have been inside the campaigns at the national, state and local levels.
I prefer to quote someone other than myself so that it gives you an independent view, not my own. The link provided here is to a story written by Mark Penn. Mark and I have known each other for longer than either prefer to admit. He is one of those Inside Campaign Tracking Polls Gurus. You will hear an almost identical rendition from Mark or me. We come from a very similar political track for quite a number of years. Polling correctly and professionally is mostly science but also with a twist of art, instinct and a helluva lot of experience. You simply will NOT get that on Main Stream Media. You will never see Mark interviewed during the election cycle either. He gets paid big dollars and so does his counterpart who was doing the polling inside the Trump campaign. What you saw interviewed were national pollsters and they almost always never get it right unless by sheer accident. That’s it! National Polls are just not worth spit.
These 100 Day National Pollsters are so far off that it is laughable. However, they like it that way because it provides a service for the spin-meisters and MSM pundits. They are wetting on your leg and telling you it’s raining. Their profession is Liar’s Poker, not Journalism. Mark would love to tell you what he is seeing in the polls is just the opposite; however, Mark is a Pro. He knows better and now so should YOU. You should also know that, of the States that elected Trump, he won the popular vote by 7.5 Million—that is the only “Popular” Vote that counts.
Don’t take it from me, take it from Mark:

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