Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Lion’s Den

We suffered yet again, another act of terrorism, perpetrated by a Disciple who did nothing but deliver what he has been instructed by his Guidebook, the Q’uran. Read it and tell me differently. I have read it and know it to be true. Forget that for a moment.
          We have laws of Commandment, Laws of Man and inherent Laws of Nature, many of which are Codified in our Constitution. Here is a law of Nature that will speak to what occurred at Westminster yesterday—I have stood there and it is overwhelmingly impressive to the eye.
          If you allow the Lion into your den, the Lion will devour you. That is his nature, whether he is hungry or not—only to devour you in full when he is hungry. That is almost without exception. The Lesson:  Do NOT allow the Lion into your den. Remove the Lion and never give him any quarter and NEVER let him in again.
          This Lion is different than any other Lion. His book tells him that he is to devour you. If you allow him in your quarter, you are a fool. In my opinion, that is Suicide by Stupid and your end is well deserved. Problematically, you have put me in danger too by allowing the Lion in my space as well. It is my hope that you are devoured, cleansing the gene pool. It is then my duty to remove the Lion, such that he is unable to repeat his natural act.

          YOU are a fool…

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