In May, 2009, Republicans in the House and the Senate formed a bicameral coalition to produce the 130-page “Patients Choice Act of 2009.” It was introduced by physician and Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK. In June, 2009, Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced the “Health Care Freedom Plan,” a 41-page proposal. And in July, 2009, the Republican Study Committee, under the leadership of physician and Representative Tom Price (R-Ga.), unveiled the “Empowering Patients First Act,” a 130-page plan. Of course, if you read, watch, listen to Main Stream Media, you wouldn’t have a clue. You would have believed the WH Talking Points, lying about the fact there were no GOP Alternatives. Lying is a hobby turned art form for these savages.
If you were a lobbyist in the Nation’s Capital, as I was, you read them all, including the worst piece of legislation ever written—the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare]. It’s only affordable if it is just another Obama Free Stuff Handout. Even if you can afford the Premiums, you will never reach the Deductible, making it what I call a “Throw You Under the Bus Policy”, and broke every bone in your body. Generally, the majority of Americans are hopelessly gullible and this is a perfect example of that gullibility being exploited by Neanderthals.
Some of the provisions included in one or more of the bills include: investing in preventive medicine, an overhaul of Medicaid, reduction of abuse and fraud in the Medicare program, supplemental health insurance for low-income families, tax credits for health insurance, and a ban on federal funds being used for abortions.
What you will see in the next session is a bill that will combine these pieces of legislation into one vehicle and it will pass, a simple majority is all that is necessary. It will go to House/ Senate Conference to conform and it will be done in the first 150 days. It will repeal Obamacare. It’s over snowflakes—you just got melted like the wicked witch of the West.
Some key points of each piece of legislation:
In May, 2009, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said his bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), and Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), puts a priority on patients and their ability to oversee their own health care choices. “As a practicing physician, I have seen first-hand how giving government more control over health care has failed to make health care more affordable or accessible,” Coburn said. “The ‘Patients Choice Act’ will provide every American with access to affordable health care without a tax increase, more debt or waiting lines. Coburn just retired but his bill is still there.
“The American health care system needs a complete transformation,” Burr said. “The ‘Patients’ Choice Act’ will finally enable Americans to own their health care instead of being trapped in the current system, which leaves people either uninsured, dependent on their employer, or forced into a government program.”
DeMint’s bill was analyzed by the Heritage Foundation. The policy think tank said DeMint’s bill could reduce the number of uninsured by 22.4 million people in five years. It provides grants to help people with pre-existing conditions gain access to affordable insurance, and allows Americans to purchase health savings accounts to pay for insurance.
“Today, we present a solution for health care reform that offers more patient-centered choices and care of the highest quality,” Price said. “The ‘Empowering Patients First Act’ is a budget neutral proposal based on the fundamental principle that personal medical decisions should be made by patients in consultation with the doctors rather than unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington.” Price’s bill also emphasizes preventive health care, tax credits, reduction of fraud and abuse in existing federal health care programs, and health care programs tailored to meet the needs of Native Americans and U.S. military veterans.
There are differences between the legislation offered so far by Republicans. The “Empowering Patients First Act,” for example, is the only one of the three proposed bills that specifically prohibits federal funds being used for abortion.
Personally, I agree with that provision. Abortion is a private decision, between a patient and her physician. It is not a federal government function, nor should it be funded with federal taxpayer’s money. Healthcare/ Insurance is the purview of the states, as set out in the Constitution—9th and 10th Amendments, as well as Article 1, Sect. 8. Each state should make its own determination in its own jurisdiction. Obamacare was clearly unconstitutional. Karma just kicked back, as did the Good Lord.
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