you watch any news at all you will likely hear the words, "Immigration
Reform". Usually, you also hear that the majority of Americans are for it
but you NEVER hear the details of what that "reform" would
constitute. Keep in mind, we are NOT a homogeneous society--Japan is. Thus,
"reform" is in the eye of the beholder [Interest Group, class,
ethnicity, etc.] If your poll got into specifics, which would likely be
impractical, what would you think reform would be to the average citizen? My 37
years of political life say that 99% of polls are useless, useful only in
tracking trends - that is it! My experience also tells me also that 99% of
those polled, who are for "reform", have NOT a clue what they would
be reforming--they have NO idea what is in the present law [INA]. It too has
also been my experience that, although Congress polls quite low in Popularity
Polls, that to a man/ woman, these Members of Congress fairly and accurately
reflect their constituencies. Thus, if you don't like Congress, walk over to
the nearest mirror and smile like a monkey eatin' bumblebees. Here is a link to
a pretty good summary of the INA. Ask yourself, rhetorically of course, what is
it in the present law that you would "reform". Having a pretty good
idea what is in the INA, I will just tell you I would not "reform"
but one thing. Some A$$HOLE has a job to do--enforce it! Until such time, I'd
just soon not hear that damn word again--REFORM! Unless and until we, the
constituents, can find our respective butt with both hands, please do not
expect Congress to do the same.
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