about it. Is that not true? Then why don't some of our newest imports understand that? They cannot, I'm afraid. I am 8th generation [1718]. It was ingrained in us, indelibly, why we are here - my forbears’ spilt blood in the revolution as did their brothers and cousins, and every war thereafter. Some of my forbears’ cousins have been here for 12 generations. I can practically assure you that none of us who have been here for that many generations are willing to give up what distinguishes us from all else - the Constitution, Bill of Rights inclusive. The Constitution would not have been adopted sans the Bill of Rights. This debate over the 2nd Amendment must be between those of us who have been here for the long haul vs. our newer imports who wish to recreate us in the image of the cesspools from which they came, underline CESSPOOLS. They have not been washed in the blood. I am reminded of Jefferson's quote seen in the Rotunda of his memorial, "I have sworn on the Altar of God, eternal enmity against tyranny over the mind of Man." Underline GOD, upon which this Republic was founded. My more recent forbears despised the land from which we came and resented continually being drawn into their tribal squabbles –WWI and WWII. I believe they were onto something. We were Welsh and had been placed under the thumb of those tyrants of the Crown. That makes us even more vehement.
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