control; the usually Dem. states of Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania and likely Florida flipped from Dem to GOP control. The GOP/Governor will now control these states first by redistricting - think Gerrymandering. Secondly, by gubernatorial appointments in every Podunk town, city, county in his state. This new electoral control is a decade long, iron-grip control, minimally. You will see it most prominently first in the 2012 election. These states that flipped will have the electoral apparatus at the beck and call of the Governor, whomever he wishes to endorse. In other words, the endorsed candidate will not have to put a state organization together--it is there at his/her beck and call at the behest of the Governor. The Obama Party got crushed! This may clean up the Democratic Party after all which is absolutely necessary for the party of Jefferson. The Socialist wing of the party will be relegated to purgatory for decades to come. Hopefully, they will pack their bags and go home - to Eastern Europe.
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