Sunday, November 28, 2010

Someone should remind the nitwit we don't worry about nitwits. [cont.]

He likely also is abused w/ the thought of having 2 dogs makes him a rancher. To be served pork only in jail.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving - I finally got my turkey dressed :-) [Thanks Soleil]

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The incompetence, the intellectual paucity, the lack of fortitude of this "administration" is unprecedented unless one hearkens to Kenya.

N. Korea nails S. Korea--Obama calls for timeout...that's a WH diplomatic term in case you are one of the unwashed.

Obama proposes Dream Act for N. Koreans--IMMEDIATELY! Just in case S. Korea decides to melt N. Korea.

The Dream Act--A free Dreamsickle for all illegal immigrants to accompany the free education, car, house, club membership, hooker, beer...

Speaker Pelosi shows up in security line at Reagan Apt.--may I see your ticket madame speaker? I'm not flying - I'm here for the pat-down.

Taliban imposter shows up at WH for beer summit--Obama perplexed...

Why does TSA security remind me of the lines at Auschwitz...

Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders now performing gratuitous pat-downs at DFW-the securidad line now extends to Mexico City--'tis the real Dream Act

It has come to our attention that Barney Frank has now volunteered as an intern for TSA Security checkpoints at Logan.

Pardon the previous pun

News Flash: Secy Napolitano immediately hiring fluffers @ the head of TSA security lines N time 4 the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry..

Ground Zero mosque short of funds, call on George Soros to create a new Taqiyya Hedge Fund--now under strong consideration...

Soros' new Taqiyya Hedge Fund to be administered by Taliban imposter named Soetoro...brokers are skeptical--stay tuned.

U Mecca Me Hot Gay Bar & Pork BBQ Grille files suit vs. Ground Zero mosque proponents, based upon Title IX, discrimination against gays.

Breaking: Obama declares amnesty 4 Taliban impostors--Dream Act 2 B amended by Pelosi to effect: co-authors and mirror bill in Sen. pending

Pelosi: Those opposing Dream Act, including Taliban imposters, called astro-turf nazis. Gingrich calls for TSA pat-down of Pelosi...pending.

Pelosi calls 4 perfunctory pat-down of staff. Chief of Staff, Skippy, is holding out for Barney--"he's much more sensitive", & will do R/A.

If TSA rep. requests a "reach-around", I'm outta here...

TSA offering free breast exams, ObamaScare not required, available upon request--those less than cup A, not a consideration...

Can I get a free drink before the pat-down--ya know, to break the ice?

Paris Hilton considers a TSA pat-down a badge of honor. Do you?

Does Obama even consider our forefathers? Why would he?

Does N. Korea fear Obama? Does a scorpion fear a fly?

If S. Korea nukes N. Korea, who wins? Sony? Toshiba? Hyunda? China? New Jersey? Hu knows?

Pelosi--the real astroturf...

Boehner will fly commercial...Pelose wanted no woman to see her in the buff--astroturf? carpet? munchers? who knows?

Can I get a free drink before the pat-down--ya know, to break the ice?

TSA offering free breast exams, ObamaScare not required, available upon request--those less than cup A not a consideration...

If TSA rep. requests a "reach-around", I'm outta here...

Pelosi calls 4 perfunctory pat-down of staff. Chief of Staff, Skippy, is holding out for Barney--"he's much more sensitive", & will do R/A.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Krauthamme-- 2 inside the Beltway--he's no clue about America. Skip the Flyover Coasts & see America or, just go to France where u belong.

Pelosi: Those opposing Dream Act, including Taliban imposters, called astro-turf nazis. Gingrich calls for TSA pat-down of Pelosi...pending.

Breaking: Obama declares amnesty 4 Taliban impostors--Dream Act 2 B amended by Pelosi to effect: co-authors and mirror bill in Sen. pending

U Mecca Me Hot Gay Bar & Pork BBQ Grille files suit vs. Ground Zero mosque proponents, based upon Title IX, discrimination against gays.

Soros' new Taqiyya Hedge Fund to be administered by Taliban imposter named Soetoro...brokers are skeptical--stay tuned.

Ground Zero mosque short of funds, call on George Soros to create a new Taqiyya Hedge Fund--now under strong consideration...

No pun intended...

News Flash: Secy Napolitano immediately hiring fluffers @ the head of TSA security lines N time 4 the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry...

Just in: Big John Holmes just broke the TSA machine at LAX...more to follow.

It has come to our attention that Barney Frank has now volunteered as an intern for TSA Security checkpoints at Logan.

Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders now performing gratuitous pat-downs at DFW-the securidad line now extends to Mexico City--'tis the real Dream Act

Why does TSA security remind me of the lines at Auschwitz...

Taliban imposter shows up at WH for beer summit--Obama perplexed...

Speaker Pelosi shows up in security line at Reagan Apt.--may I see your ticket madame speaker? I'm not flying - I'm here for the pat-down.

The Dream Act--A free Dreamsickle for all illegal immigrants to accompany the free education, car, house, club membership, hooker, beer...

Obama proposes Dream Act for N. Koreans--IMMEDIATELY! Just in case S. Korea decides to melt N. Korea.

N. Korea nails S. Korea--Obama calls for timeout...that's a WH diplomatic term in case you are one of the unwashed.

The incompetence, the intellectual paucity, the lack of fortitude of this "administration" is unprecedented unless one hearkens to Kenya.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Obama outsourced:

Immigration, by design, is a reg. system of quotas from all countries--to preclude being simply an extension of any country on our borders.

3 U.S. Senators request an ObamaCare opt-out: Brown-MA, Wyden-OR & Sanders-VT. We've read the bill Nance & do NOT like the piece of feces.

Who wouldn't wanna work 4 FED Gov.; the exorbitant pay, benefits, ability to grope and photograph porn--soon there will be FED fluffers.

One who is not a legal resident of the United States, by definition, cannot be a resident of any state for any purpose. Morons!

George Soros seriously underestimates the resolve of the American people--most of us anyway.

If you are Welsh and many who think they are Scot-Irish are, you may want to read this:

If all the big "payors" opt-out of ObamaCare, & they will, leaving only the parasites 4 which the bill was written, who pays 4 ObamaCare?

In the dictionary, under "redundant", should be the term islamic extremist.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

THE List of 111 Rogues, and growing, who have received waivers from this luscious ObamaScare: Ask yourself, WHY?

Note to Czar Berwick: Read the bill!

Muslim "extremists" 1 - Eric Holder 0 Way to go Eric! Any more brilliant ideas? Moron!

Poor George...things ain't goin' so well Georgy Porgy?

Think Soros ain't pulling the strings? Think again -

Man kills TV & turns shotgun on spouse following Dancing w/ Stars episode :-) Apparently an ObamaNut...

So could Mickey Mouse -

Rush: TSA groping passengers - Obama's revenge for the recent elections :-)

Questions anyone?

Soros vs. Murdoch - Soros hasn't a prayer. Oh yeah, Soros is an atheist. He truly hasn't a prayer :-)

Some say, we need to do what is right even if it runs afoul of the Constitution. I say, you haven't read the Constitution.

Soros is betting we won't make it until then: I am betting we will...any takers?

The U.S. Constitution - G-d's gift to a Nation.

What will Obama do next? Simple, whatever Soros wants him to do.

If you have not read the Constitution, next time, spare us. Stay home on election day! If you do read it, you won't vote for an idiot...

Ya think Soros [Rapiscan] might see a lawsuit comin'?

Obama/Pelosi: Did you see the political movie, Bulworth? Remember Warren Beatty's fav term? Pigf***ers you are!

112th Congress Memo to Obama/Pelosi: Stuff it! We'll see you in January...

I have managed state-wide political campaigns; I feel certain I could flip Palins 45% favorable : 52% unfavorable in 6 weeks, no problem.

If you underestimate Sarah Palin, consider yourself delusional [ObamaTard].

I have a nice pair of Ropers that would look really sporty with a burka, sans Bolo tie. Required attire for travel.

If DHS Secy Napolitano grants burka exemption she should be tarred and feathered and exiled to Somalia.

Homeland Security Secy Napolitano is actually seriously considering an exemption 4 muslim women wearing burkas. This Adm is out of control.

If muslim women get anexemption from TSA, I suggest we all sport for a nice travel burka--men can get one w/ a fly/zipper hopefully.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance & the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. WC

George Soros is no doubt scary, however, his own messianic complex may have bitten off more than it can [cont.]

chew--read, News Corporation/Rupert Murdoch. His fat A$$ is already kicked and he just doesn't know it. However, thanks to News Corp. we now know who is behind the Manchurian Candidate--clearly. No wonder he uses TOTUS. It's just a script.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

It's fair to say the Indians may have been as offended by the Teleprompter [TOTUS] as I am

Funny that the Indians were perceptive enough to ascertain the symbolism & implications of the Teleprompter and our own voters were clueless

China, Russia, Germany & Japan are criticizing the FED for its cash ponzi scheme. California may soon join them in the criticism. Scary!

Here it is; the George Soros story, Puppet Master: The Manchurian Candidate on paper.

Pelosi is having a "victory" party?! Oh well, she did drain the swamp after all...:-)

Folks from Missouri town block protesters @ soldier's funeral. If you want to see America, skip the flyover coasts. God Bless MO!

Someone get that Biscuit away from Obama before he launches another missile--next time he may not miss.

Yesterday we learned India will now assemble our Harleys...will we learn today that Indonesia will now assemble our double-wides?

Obama is the reason I drink. Maybe I should send him a note of thanks...

Jefferson was right, Hamilton was wrong. Hamilton was shot/killed in a duel--TY Aaron Burr. End the FED!

Breaking! Barry suffers whiplash from exuberant bowing incident...details to follow.

I will say one thing for the Idiots - they have been bullish for gold and other precious metals. You go Barry! Ben! Timmy!

How does the law voted on in Oklahoma violate their civil rights? Can't beat their wife? Can't sleep w/ their sheep? Force them to eat pig?

Take that Matt Lauer you metro-asexual nymph!

Ah, it must be so nostalgic for Hussein,hearkening back fondly to those school days--the playground,the crayons, Big Chief,Jumbo pencil...

Upon further look, this Sharia thingy may be just the ticket...for them anyway, uncivilized that they are--free entertainment for us :-)

Don't forget to watch the emasculation of George Soros today. Yeah Glenn! Kick some fat A$$!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Watch Obama 60 Minutes interview carefully - when U look down & to the left, U are LYING - LIAR, LIAR, pants on fire! Involuntary Response.

Idiot-in-Chief may ban 64 Crayons, Play Dough, Jumbo Pencil [stabbing device] and Big Chief Tablet - could cause fatal paper cuts. Paste?

The Idiot-in-Chief is making 3rd World leaders look like King David in comparison. Can we send Don Rickles next time?! Amateur!

Can we send someone to India who won't embarrass us next time - how 'bout Slappy White?! What a DipShift...

Dumbama bans ink toner - Silly Putty may be next! What courage!

Correction folks on the misinformation. The Oklahoma judge did NOT - repeat, NOT! "block" the result [cont.]

of the vote against Sharia law. She issued a temporary Stay until oral arguments can be heard on Nov. 22.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Would that be a Harley Indian or an Indian Harley?

Uh oh! Harleys to now be assembled in India. I can see the many jokes coming our way now. Maybe the Harley Indian will make a comeback :-)

When the Idiot-in-Chief says, "I think all of us understand...", it means he understands, you don't & I will "splain" it to you Morons!

Watch Glenn Beck this week - one word: SOROS!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The 2 reasons that this election was a total massacre: 17 state legislatures flipped from Dem. to GOP [cont.]

control; the usually Dem. states of Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania and likely Florida flipped from Dem to GOP control. The GOP/Governor will now control these states first by redistricting - think Gerrymandering. Secondly, by gubernatorial appointments in every Podunk town, city, county in his state. This new electoral control is a decade long, iron-grip control, minimally. You will see it most prominently first in the 2012 election. These states that flipped will have the electoral apparatus at the beck and call of the Governor, whomever he wishes to endorse. In other words, the endorsed candidate will not have to put a state organization together--it is there at his/her beck and call at the behest of the Governor. The Obama Party got crushed! This may clean up the Democratic Party after all which is absolutely necessary for the party of Jefferson. The Socialist wing of the party will be relegated to purgatory for decades to come. Hopefully, they will pack their bags and go home - to Eastern Europe.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama's party is The Mob and his hit men are the SEIU. The battle is joined.

Obama blocks overseas military voting--2.8 million votes. Prisoners will take their place:

I so wish I could vote for a democrat tomorrow, however that is hardly possible--there are few running. [cont.]

Anyone who stands w/ Obama is a Progressive/Fabian Socialist.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Obama meeting w/ Ryan Secrest & later today w/ Nickelodeon to spark the children's vote tomorrow. He will [cont.]

announce later that Mickey Mouse will replace Rahm "Fishface" Emanuel.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

The hypocracy & calumnities of the vatican is beyond reprehensible--blaming Israel on the problems [cont.]

in the Middle East and a call on Israel to restore the borders to pre-1967 war limits. The Crusades, brought to you exclusively by the Vatican, is THE primary cause of the problems in the Middle East, then and now. And if only the Vatican adhered to the Bible they "created", they would know the boundaries of Israel were set out by G-d and clearly delineated in Exodus. Oh well, the Vatican was a creation of Paul [See Linus, the first "pope"], "The Liar", as so named by the Disciples who were actually appointed by Christ.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Netanyahu in a hastily organized mission, following events emanating from Yemen, will visit WH &

American Jewish organizations on Nov. 7 - bet large on a secret message to WH that the PM would trust to NO other form of communication other than mano a mano.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

This appeared today on MSN Today so it will probably receive a lot of play-- [cont.]

would these be the "radical" or "peaceful" Islamists?

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous