The Seminole Band Boosters FB site did not like my recently shared post of the SHS Band video yesterday. Here is what I wrote: Just take a gander at this! He!!, the Class of ''65 "Cheerleaders" made them look like derelicts! Just like last week's away game too.How would I caption this?--"Dressed for Success?" Or, better yet, "Suitable for 3 days of Rolling in the Mud at Woodstock". Embarrassing and downright disrespectful! Someone need remove head from A$$! Deplorable! WTF! / NOTE to Seminole Band Boosters: What I posted above is truthful AND accurate. Don't like it? Break out the uniforms and dress like you have a little self-respect rather than a punk rock band from Poughkeepsie. BTW--your PM to me was childish, churlish and a true reflection of your insolence. It's a school band, not a nightclub act at a Ho House.