pendulum of politics is always in constant motion, usually with very wide
swings before returning in the other direction. So, don’t get too comfortable
or, uncomfortable as the case might be. It is bound to swing back at any given
time—already having done so in the most recent election. Will it continue to
swing in that direction? Good question. Two factors tell me that might just be.
One, when the pen and the phone are finally about to be retired, there may be a
sufficient number ready to look for a new rope or, in the least, may do what
Bush did to Republican and Independent voters—kept them at home, sucking eggs
on their couch. Two, one of the rules in politics is that I, as a political
operative, would rather fall in with a candidate that may be lesser known, with
few negatives, than a candidate that is well known, but very high negatives.
am 66 years old, good or bad. I have very little but vague memory of Harry S.
Truman. Some of my contemporaries certainly do—by contemporaries, I mean those
who were about to graduate high school as I was just enrolled there. Harry S.
Truman assumed office from the most liberal administration since Woodrow
Wilson, having much in common with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Harry was hard to
peg—sometimes very liberal, sometimes very conservative but mostly moderate. If
you consider him a “liberal”, think Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No Liberal, with a
capital L would have done that. Just get over that Alice. If Harry were with us
now, there would now already be 2 craters in the Middle East that would be
uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. That third “holy site” would have
already been dismantled in Jerusalem, brick by brick, and utilized to build
outhouses in the desert.
this pendulum in fact complete its full swing right, you might wanna hang onto
that butt floss because granny panties may be making a big comeback. Why? Guess
who followed the most liberal president in our history, Woodrow Wilson? That
would be 2 of the most conservative bastions in our recent history—that’s
right, Coolidge and Hoover. Then what happened? It swung back to the equally
most liberal in our recent history—Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This was followed
by a more moderate, by default—Harry S. Truman. He was followed by another
military conservative republican, Dwight David Eisenhower.
next is where it really gets interesting in my opinion. Following Ike, we
elected one John F. Kennedy. Was he conservative, liberal or moderate? Ah, that
is the question. Well, he served in the military, unlike our last 3 [Sorry, I
do not consider Nat’l Guard for purposes of this discussion and I have my
reasons]. This is one Administration I know/ knew quite well—etched in my
memory, in fact. His number one priority was to PROTECT THE GOLD STANDARD,
PERIOD! He did so quite creatively. He immediately instituted Operation Twist—increase
short term borrowing interest rates, while lowering long term capital borrowing
rates. Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! He shored
that up by creating the first ever, INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT. I re-wrote it and
retrofitted it in Oklahoma for the state tax code. Bill Clinton took my final
product, as enrolled and engrossed, and put it in place in Arkansas. The other
governors of the Southern Governors’ Association followed suit. What Kennedy’s ITC did was to ensure tax
benefits for making an investment in jobs, plant and equipment, NOT turnover in
securities to achieve gain and the Credit. Having the exact opposite effect of
the Capital Gains Tax. Just that simple but it was a brilliant stroke. Did it
work? Hellyeah!!! Did it work in Oklahoma? Double HELLYEAH!!!
long and hard on the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy years. What
you imagine what this present Pansy-in-Chief would do? How about an afternoon
of golf, followed by a $10,000 a plate fundraiser w/ his round up the usual
pansies in Hollywood. In short, if you consider Kennedy a “liberal”, we will
just go ahead and enter that debate post haste, or not. JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS TOO
followed Kennedy? By default, LBJ. Was he a liberal? No, but he was stupid with
a wee bit of political cunning—I’ll be kind and use “cunning”. He was also a
racist so just get over that one too, Alice. Blacks were pawns in a political
game to him, nothing more. With respect to the premise of this pendulum thingy,
LBJ “don’t” even figure in; he was an anomaly.
next—back to granny panties ladies, one Richard Milhous Nixon. I would NOT
consider Nixon a conservative in the same cloth of a Barry Goldwater of the
same day and time. Nixon was more of a California Moderate but the pendulum did
swing right nonetheless. What followed, again by default was a true gentleman,
a true moderate but a really sh*tty golfer. It’s hard to calculate how many he
almost killed standing by or in the fairways. However, having said that, he was
dozens of strokes better than our present High-Handicapper-in-Chief. That ONE
is lethal. I would not even stand behind him on the T-Box. Scary sh*tty! This
would be one, Gerald R. Ford—the great healer, maybe having saved this country
from a complete upheaval.
followed next was the conservative’s conservative. Ronald Reagan from
California via Illinois. How conservative was he? Well, since I have already
used the allusion, let’s just say that, near the end of his term, there was no
butt floss—it was granny panties ONLY! The pendulum thingy had swung FAR RIGHT!
I served as the Intergovernmental Liaison on the Oklahoma Governor’s Office,
amongst other things, during his term. I’m going to piss off some of my liberal
friends by this but he had the best $1 per year, professional staff put
together certainly since Kennedy but I believe actually edged out the latter.
was also the Intergovernmental Liaison during the Carter administration so I can
objectively speak to both. I would sum up Carter’s Cabinet and Staff as the
best bunch ‘o Crackas assembled since L’il Abner. Dumber than goat spit but
still heads, torsos and appendages above the most incompetent twenty-somethings
ever assembled since the Three Stooges—the Obama Outhouse! The crowning
achievement of the Reagan era was the end of the Cold War. Brilliant!!!
followed next was a bit of a transition to a more moderate, Republican
Gentleman’s Club-type moderate—George H.W. Bush. I knew many of his staff. They
were almost to a man/ woman, down to earth, honest, congenial, and committed. I
was never concerned while he was in office. I considered him to be harmless and
a good and decent man. A true gentleman. What got George H.W. Bush defeated was
a self-inflicted wound. “Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!” That followed by a
brilliant speech during the Democratic Convention by former Governor of Texas,
Ann Richards. After that, it was OVER!
now brings us to the pendulum swinging back the other way—more of a liberal
bent, more due to the influence of his spouse than his own convictions. I will
stop right here and say up front, I am/ was personally and professionally
acquainted with both William Jefferson Clinton and his spouse. I know them darn
well and his staff and the staff of George Nigh were very tight, again, with my
being the Intergovernmental Liaison and Washington DC, “point man”. That
relationship then stretched to the Clinton White House, at this time with my
being a government relations dude in Washington, DC. Clinton’s Special
Assistant for Domestic Policy, Carol Rasco, and I are/ were good buddies. Do I
consider Bill Clinton a liberal? Hell NO! All things considered, not at all.
You must keep in mind that the current occupant of the White House has lowered
the bar to the depths of whale poop when I say this. Would I consider Bill’s
wife [Team Mate actually] a liberal. Much more so than Bill but not on the same
planet as the Imposter who beat her in the Democratic Primary. She would have
been much better as President than Doofus, but hell, so would Slappy White!
Bill gave his team mate the opportunity to trot out her liberal credentials by
putting together ObamaCare Part I. It went down in flames and buried her in
embarrassment for the rest of the Clinton Administration. Call it what you will
but that is my take and I was there to see it descending to the depths of
we come to the Idiot and the pendulum swinging so far left that it even has the
Socialists blushing and w/o panties, butt floss OR granny. We are talkin’
Commando here. That’s all the ink I’ll give the freak. It’s over, he’s done,
put a fork in it—it is best just to ignore it the next 22 months.