Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I shud run n the primary. Say, if elected, Iran has 10 days 2 allow Mossad n 4 inspection. No compliance, [cont.]

blow 'em to hell! Every time 0 opens his mouth, I simply respond, "taqiyya".

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

To say the Obama White House is bullying is insulting - that presumes there is a testicle there. Call & [cont]

threaten me, we'll meet & someone will get whooped like a tied-up mule.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: [cont]

$104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; And $247.00 in 2014. These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns. Slick ain't he!

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by [cont]

an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seniors Class 12: How to Shop by Yourself. Meets 4 wks, Tuesday & Thursday for 2 hours at 7:00 PM. Upon [cont.]

completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 11: Learning to Live--How to Apply Brakes w/o Throwing Passengers Through the Windshield. [cont.]

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 10: How to Parallel Park n Less Than 20 Min. w/o an Insurance Claim. Driving Simulations. [cont.]

4 weeks, Saturday's at noon, 2 hours.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 9: I Was Wrong & He Was Right!--Real Life Testimonials. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be [cont.]

Seniors Class 8: Health Watch--They Make Medicine 4 PMS - USE IT! 3 nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at [cont.]

7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 6: How to Ask Questions During Commercials & Be Quiet During the Program. Help Line Support [cont.]

and Support Groups. Meets 4 Weeks, Friday & Sunday 7:00 PM

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 4: Fundamental Differences Between a Purse & a Suitcase--Pictures & Explanatory Graphics. [cont.]

Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 3: Is It Possible to Drive Past a Wal-Mart w/o Stopping? Group Debate. Meets 4 weeks, [cont.]

Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 2: Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, or Bitching about it for 3 Hours? [cont.]

Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Seniors Class 1: Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat, Step by Step, w/ Slide [cont.]

Presentation. Meets 4 wks, Mon. & Wed. for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Friday, September 23, 2011

This from the Obama 2012 Campaign: Help me say yes to what we need to do to put our plans in motion by [cont.]

donating $3 or more today -- you'll even be automatically entered for a chance to have dinner with President Obama. Thought you’d want to know :-)

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Obama will announce that he is ordering the deportation of old people to lower Social Security & Medicare [cont]

costs. Old people are easier to catch & will not remember how to get back home! Naturally, I started crying when I thought of you... see you on the bus.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

I Despise Obama and His Progressives aka Socialists

Actually, I do not think the GOP sucks. I am a great admirer of Lincoln. Both parties have fringe elements. Take the Progressive Caucus for instance, they are a fringe element of the Democrat Party. They are not "progressive", they are Socialists. We are a Federal [Federation] Representative Democratic Republic. Each state is a Republic - that is in the Constitution. Thus, Socialists do not even have a role, by design.  Unfortunately, that wing of the party is who has infiltrated the DNC and they did it in a surreptitious way.  They are insidious, a cancer.  As Bill Clinton would say, the tail is waggin' the dog and he would be right.  Obama represents this wing and they represent him.


Obama despises anything that does not represent that view and there are many democrats, like myself, who feel much more comfortable working with the party of Lincoln than the party of Marx.  We just won't tolerate them.  We want them beaten so badly, they will forever go away and hunker down in their covens.  I want the election to be a landslide, fire everyone at the DNC, trash the democratic platform and install the platform as written in 1800 by Jefferson and amend that from time to time, as needed.  Hopefully, they will walk outside on Capital & Ivy Streets, form a circular firing squad and fire on three.  I cannot tolerate them.  Socialism belongs in Eastern Europe, not America.  Link to 1800 Democratic Party Platform:


Thus, it is not Obama per se that I despise, it is what he and his Socialist cronies represent and it is not American ideals, principles, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Hell, I may like him personally, don't know, never met him.  The Constitution is clear - the states, individually and collectively are equal to the Federal Government. One does not trump the other.  The Federal government, by design, dilineated in Article 1, Section 8 & specified in the 10th Amendment have ONLY specific powers, "all others are left to the states".  We have had 150 years of progressive Constitutional Case law that has nothing to do with the Constitution - it is juris ignorance, not jurisprudence. The case law was promulgated by progressive judges who felt they were superior to the forefathers - in fact, many thought themselves superior to the Creator.


I would start by abolishing every federal agency but those instituted at the time of our founding.  Why? Simple, they are not federal prerogatives [See 10th Amendment & Article 1, Section 8], they are state prerogatives.  And guess what, ironically, most were created in Republican administrations, Nixon was a big violator, Reagan too.  Guess why they created them - they built monuments to themselves, EGO!  Here is a link to the agencies I would abolish to the tune of $1.5 Trillion annual savings:


The federal government has no business or authority having all the tax revenue that it does - most of it needs to go back to the states, who do have the authority, as set out in the Constitution, to provide the functions and services.  The Department of Education is a perfect example - education is not one of the functions of the federal government, enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, thus, it is left to the states.  These power grabs by Fed Gov have occurred over 150 years, creeping in, insidious by nature.  That is why you are seeing and will see more and more lawsuits by the states to the Supreme Court demanding a proper ruling on the 9th and 10th Amendments.  Many of the states are just not going to tolerate it any longer.  That is also why a number of the states in the two federal districts where ObamaCare was held to be unconstitutional have said piss off, we are doing nothing to implement ObamaCare - we'll see you in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Believe me when I say the ruling will be 5-4 in favor of the states.  Those 5 look to the Constitution, as the Founders intended, not spurious "case law".  Case law is a joke.  They made it up as they went along.  Link to Article 1, Section 8:


We democrats are going to take back our party and send the Socialists to electoral hell.  The states are going to take their country back and send progressive creep where it belongs, into oblivion.  We democrats, who believe in the founding principles, will align with Lincoln over Marx any day.  Marx was a fool - even Russians figured that one out.  Cubans won't be far behind.  Socialism will never work.  It does not recognize human traits/qualities.  Humans, while created equally, do not end up equally - it will never happen.  There is a reason only a few make it to the NFL, the cream always rises to the top.  I played high school football.  I wasn't big enough, strong enough, fast enough for even college football.  Loved the sport but I knew my limitations so I found something I could excel in.  Socialism would never have allowed that - socialism would have dictated my pigeon hole and I would be stuck there.  Most people who say Obama is not a Socialist, including Bill O'Reilly, don't even know the definition of Socialism [See link below].  His picture should be placed by the definition in the Encyclopedia.  See for yourself.  I pronounced him a Socialist in May of the campaign, marched my kracker ass down to GOP headquarters and said, sign me up.  Frank Puleo said, "but you are a democrat". I said, "that's right, I am but he is not!"  Link to definition of Socialism:


One more thing I should point out is the misunderstanding of “the general welfare”, a specified function of the federal government.  It’s that pesky case law again by ardent progressive judges, appointed by progressive presidents.  The Commerce Clause IS the general welfare and it only has to do with regulating commerce between and among the states and foreign nations.  Nothing else – and that is why I would abolish the Department of Health & Human Services and others and combine their functions in a Department of Commerce Clause Implementation.  All other functions are left to the States.


This is a summary of my response to your question.  The attachments are for you to read and decide for yourself.  I know I will not change your mind any more than you will change mine.  But healthy debate keeps this Federal Representative Democratic Republic alive and well.  The Constitution is a "living document", in each of us and it is as alive today as when it was written.  It is what distinguishes us from any other government in history.  It was designed to separate us from Europe and is the antithesis of Europe, for good reason.  Those Founding Fathers escaped the tyranny of those despots of the failed states of Europe.  Lincoln said it best, "We are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people".  We are NOT a nation of laws as Lawrence Tribe so spuriously stated.


Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

I Despise Obama and His Progressives aka Socialists

Actually, I do not think the GOP sucks. I am a great admirer of Lincoln. Both parties have fringe elements. Take the Progressive Caucus for instance, they are a fringe element of the Democrat Party. They are not "progressive", they are Socialists. We are a Federal [Federation] Representative Democratic Republic. Each state is a Republic - that is in the Constitution. Thus, Socialists do not even have a role, by design.  Unfortunately, that wing of the party is who has infiltrated the DNC and they did it in a surreptitious way.  They are insidious, a cancer.  As Bill Clinton would say, the tail is waggin' the dog and he would be right.  Obama represents this wing and they represent him.

Obama despises anything that does not represent that view and there are many democrats, like myself, who feel much more comfortable working with the party of Lincoln than the party of Marx.  We just won't tolerate them.  We want them beaten so badly, they will forever go away and hunker down in their covens.  I want the election to be a landslide, fire everyone at the DNC, trash the democratic platform and install the platform as written in 1800 by Jefferson and amend that from time to time, as needed.  Hopefully, they will walk outside on Capital & Ivy Streets, form a circular firing squad and fire on three.  I cannot tolerate them.  Socialism belongs in Eastern Europe, not America.  Link to 1800 Democratic Party Platform: 

Thus, it is not Obama per se that I despise, it is what he and his Socialist cronies represent and it is not American ideals, principles, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Hell, I may like him personally, don't know, never met him.  The Constitution is clear - the states, individually and collectively are equal to the Federal Government. One does not trump the other.  The Federal government, by design, dilineated in Article 1, Section 8 & specified in the 10th Amendment have ONLY specific powers, "all others are left to the states".  We have had 150 years of progressive Constitutional Case law that has nothing to do with the Constitution - it is juris ignorance, not jurisprudence. The case law was promulgated by progressive judges who felt they were superior to the forefathers - in fact, many thought themselves superior to the Creator.

I would start by abolishing every federal agency but those instituted at the time of our founding.  Why? Simple, they are not federal prerogatives [See 10th Amendment & Article 1, Section 8], they are state prerogatives.  And guess what, ironically, most were created in Republican administrations, Nixon was a big violator, Reagan too.  Guess why they created them - they built monuments to themselves, EGO!  Here is a link to the agencies I would abolish to the tune of $1.5 Trillion annual savings:

The federal government has no business or authority having all the tax revenue that it does - most of it needs to go back to the states, who do have the authority, as set out in the Constitution, to provide the functions and services.  The Department of Education is a perfect example - education is not one of the functions of the federal government, enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, thus, it is left to the states.  These power grabs by Fed Gov have occurred over 150 years, creeping in, insidious by nature.  That is why you are seeing and will see more and more lawsuits by the states to the Supreme Court demanding a proper ruling on the 9th and 10th Amendments.  Many of the states are just not going to tolerate it any longer.  That is also why a number of the states in the two federal districts where ObamaCare was held to be unconstitutional have said piss off, we are doing nothing to implement ObamaCare - we'll see you in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Believe me when I say the ruling will be 5-4 in favor of the states.  Those 5 look to the Constitution, as the Founders intended, not spurious "case law".  Case law is a joke.  They made it up as they went along.  Link to Article 1, Section 8:

We democrats are going to take back our party and send the Socialists to electoral hell.  The states are going to take their country back and send progressive creep where it belongs, into oblivion.  We democrats, who believe in the founding principles, will align with Lincoln over Marx any day.  Marx was a fool - even Russians figured that one out.  Cubans won't be far behind.  Socialism will never work.  It does not recognize human traits/qualities.  Humans, while created equally, do not end up equally - it will never happen.  There is a reason only a few make it to the NFL, the cream always rises to the top.  I played high school football.  I wasn't big enough, strong enough, fast enough for even college football.  Loved the sport but I knew my limitations so I found something I could excel in.  Socialism would never have allowed that - socialism would have dictated my pigeon hole and I would be stuck there.  Most people who say Obama is not a Socialist, including Bill O'Reilly, don't even know the definition of Socialism [See link below].  His picture should be placed by the definition in the Encyclopedia.  See for yourself.  I pronounced him a Socialist in May of the campaign, marched my kracker ass down to GOP headquarters and said, sign me up.  Frank Puleo said, "but you are a democrat". I said, "that's right, I am but he is not!"  Link to definition of Socialism:

One more thing I should point out is the misunderstanding of “the general welfare”, a specified function of the federal government.  It’s that pesky case law again by ardent progressive judges, appointed by progressive presidents.  The Commerce Clause IS the general welfare and it only has to do with regulating commerce between and among the states and foreign nations.  Nothing else – and that is why I would abolish the Department of Health & Human Services and others and combine their functions in a Department of Commerce Clause Implementation.  All other functions are left to the States.

This is a summary of my response to your question.  The attachments are for you to read and decide for yourself.  I know I will not change your mind any more than you will change mine.  But healthy debate keeps this Federal Representative Democratic Republic alive and well.  The Constitution is a "living document", in each of us and it is as alive today as when it was written.  It is what distinguishes us from any other government in history.  It was designed to separate us from Europe and is the antithesis of Europe, for good reason.  Those Founding Fathers escaped the tyranny of those despots of the failed states of Europe.  Lincoln said it best, "We are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people".  We are NOT a nation of laws as Lawrence Tribe so spuriously stated.