Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RT @2BlueStarMom: SEIU fight song: ‘Take the bastards down’ We are going [cont.]

to see violence across our nation. #tcot / I hope so - and guess who has the guns, e.g. 15 million registered hunters in U.S., largest standing army in the world. Bring 'em on!

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

I think we have determined that Shepard Smith would look smart in a nice little smock, maybe a little calico bonnet to go with it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My opinion, ignore ObamaCare. The courts are saying it is unconstitutional, your AGs say it is, the 9th [cont.]

& 10th Amendments say it is--ignore it. Nullified prima facie. Think about it - what can Fed Gov do to you if you ignore it - take your toys away and put you in time-out? Just sayin'...

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I was just asked what this Egyptian crisis was about, my opinion: #1-It IS orchestrated--it is happening [cont.]

now in Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen. #2-Saudi Arabia is completely surrounded by it! #3-It is NOT happening right now in Iran but it was just a few months ago. Coincidence? I simply do not believe in that much coincidence. #4-40% of all world oil flow is through Suez Canal. #5-Obama is not backing Mubarak. #6-If it starts in Saudi Arabia, then we'll know it is Check-Mate, Israel is all alone & oil flow ceases & desists. We [Obama] won't do a damn thing but throw gasoline on the fire! What will Israel do? They will have but one choice and they KNOW it's Iran behind this.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous