Sunday, January 30, 2011

I posted 1 yesterday re: thongs, "I giggle when I see & try 2 fold, what's the point anyhow". 4 Ur [cont.]

viewing pleasure, Christian panties:

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some people try to turn back their odometer. Not me, I want people to know why I look this way. I've [cont.]

traveled a long way & some of the roads weren't paved - Will Rogers

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Thursday, January 27, 2011

James Madison, the 4th president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement: [cont.]

We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Flatulence Tax: The New Zealand government is a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol and therefore attempts [cont.]

are being made to reduce greenhouse emissions. To achieve this an agricultural emissions research levy was proposed, which promptly became known as a "fart tax" or "flatulence tax".

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Shocking confidential report leaked from environment watchdog Envirowatch reveals most of Britain now [cont.]

underwater & climate change sceptics are keeping it secret :-)

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the [cont.]

law would begin making law--an oligarchy--the rule of few over many. As usual, Jefferson was right - 150+ years of spurious case law & law school profs like Lawrence Tribe have ensured it.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

Friday, January 14, 2011

Atheists Don't Have No Songs - Steve Martin. Absolutely hysterical!

How do you like Barney Frank & Chris Dodd now?! It won't be long before even Obamanots call for their lynching.

The race is on - Canada & USA in the Great Race to see who can be the nation of Girly-men first: Wimps!

We won WWII on free booze, chocolate & cigarettes - just look now to what we have been reduced: A nation of girlymen!

Join us today in the Commonwealth of Virginia in celebrating the state holiday of Lee-Jackson Day. All state/local govt. offices are closed.

This will give Obamanots voter's remorse--the pocketbook. We of course remember Carter & stupid fireside chats

Thursday, January 6, 2011

TSA Screening Stats: 0 terror plots, 133 transvestites, 1,485 hernias, 3,172 hemorrhoids, 8,249 enlarged [cont.]

prostates, 59,350 breast implants and 3 natural blondes. Hopefully, 2011 will bring more meaningful results--maybe even a terror plot or two.

Posted via email from tunkin67's posterous

WH 'tards-0 couldn't fit in a call to parents of fallen soldier but found time to make a call on behalf of dog whisperer, Mike Vick. Morons!

If law schools decide to start teaching the Constitution, rather than case law, the next generation of Lawyers may begin to understand it.

No, the Constitution does not provide citizenship for "anchor babies", that is provided by spurious Case Law since 14th Amendment passed.

Read the Constitution as written. Forget Progressive/Socialist Case Law since. Our E. European immigrants/Fabian Socialists love the latter.

Progressives/Socialists hate the Constitution, which is the reason we have 150 years of Progressive/Socialist Case Law