Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Obama says, "Iraqis still learning how to secure their country". He shoulda' said, [cont.]
"U.S. still learning how to secure our border".
Well, here we go again. http://bit.ly/9rrJ7W The only thing we learn from history is nothing. It is NOT [cont.]
the Gadsen flag just because he adopted it any more than it is the Tea Party flag just because they adopted it. Morons! It's Ben Franklin's flag and was carried as early as the French & Indian War [1754], by my direct ancestors in fact in Washington/Westmoreland Co., PA and Statesville, then Rowan Co., NC. I am for suspending all driver's licenses nationwide until 30 credit hours of American History are completed. This makes my blood boil. I am cleaning my guns now...
U.S. Reports Arizona to U.N. for Human Rights violations. Arizona should report U.S. [cont.]
Monday, August 30, 2010
Islamaphobia presumes fear. Who would fear men who sent women & children as soldiers/shields? Who would [cont.]
fear men who run to holes in the ground, throw down their weapons & run, consistently need a virgin, who won't fight face-to-face. Only a coward would do this OR beat a woman. Cowards are not feared but despised and all that they represent.
If U buy Progressive insurance, U contribute to: ACLU, Progressive [Socialist] candidates, SEIU, ACORN, [cont.]
Move On, Lib-tards, Obama, Nancy, Harry, et al http://bit.ly/uS1zI
Sunday, August 29, 2010
If U buy Progressive insurance, U contribute to: ACLU, Progressive [Socialist] candidates, SEIU, ACORN, [cont.]
Move On, Lib-tards, Obama, Nancy, Harry, et al http://bit.ly/uS1zI
Saturday, August 28, 2010
If U buy Progressive insurance, U contribute to: ACLU, Progressive [Socialist] candidates, SEIU, ACORN, [cont.]
Move On, Lib-tards, Obama, Nancy, Harry, et al http://bit.ly/uS1zI
If you buy Progressive insurance & you are not a lib-tard, you might want to dump it: http://bit.ly/uS1zI [cont.]
Yes, their CEO, Petie Lewis, a top-shelf Lib-tard and progressive [Socialist], pun intended, donates to lost causes and other Lib-tards.
Friday, August 27, 2010
KNOW THIS! The professional liar, Feisal Abdul Raul, wrote the tome "What's Right with Islam Is What's [cont.]
Right with America: A New Vision for Muslim in the West". It sold in the muslim world under the title, "A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of America Post 9/11". I will give you the pleasure of looking up "Dawa". The koran teaches it is ok to lie to "infidels", in fact, it is even encouraged. NEVER forget that and NEVER Forget 9/11 and the pigs that did it. http://bit.ly/dlfKgW
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Prez to give speech on Iraq on Aug. 31. Word is that his opening line will be, "Let me be clear". In translation, [cont.]
"Let me blow smoke up Uranus".
Monday, August 23, 2010
A top Democratic pollster in Washington is circulating a poll showing Bush's popularity in key contested [cont.]
congressional districts is now 6 points ahead of Obama's. http://bit.ly/aBU6nZ
I just heard a retard on TV say, "the vast majority of illegals here have not committed a crime". [cont.]
Excuse me? Did he forget the part about crossing the border illegally--which is a crime? Oh well--after all, Obama did get elected. Why then would one rhetorically ask, "are people really that stupid". Obviously, about half of US.
Ahmadinejad says his new "ambassador of death" drone is "for enemies of humanity" and a message of friendship and peace. WTF!? [cont.]
It must be a suicide drone then. Otherwise, he must assume that we, like he, are all intellectual dwarfs. What an idiot!
The very thing that makes America great and distinguishes us from anywhere else is the very thing these Progressives [cont.]
[Socialists] want extinguished--the U.S. Constitution. Touche'--I want them extinguished.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
I am all but certain the little pipsqueak on FOX presently, defending the House of ILL Repute [House of the Rising Sun], [cont.]
still lives at home w/ his mommy. Probably still breast feeding--a euphemism for suckling something else. It would give me undue pleasure to just bludgeon the little b**tard. Or, is that re**rd?!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ever wondered why conservatives are called the "right" & liberals the "left"? Ecclesiastes 10:2 NIV: "The [cont.]
heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." I guess the little mongrels should have paid attention in Sunday School.
What does it say about a citizen of another country who would violate the laws and enter another illegally? It says to me you have [cont.]
shown a propensity for being a convict and that you are NEVER to be welcome in my country.
Ever wondered why conservatives are called the "right" & liberals the "left"? Ecclesiastes 10:2 NIV: "The [cont.]
heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." I guess the little mongrels should have paid attention in Sunday School.
What does it say about a citizen of another country who would violate the laws and enter another illegally? It says to me you have [cont.]
shown a propensity for being a convict and that you are NEVER to be welcome in my country.
Well his lips are moving again - I had to hit the Mute button. I think he was talking about tinkering/managing the economy. [cont.]
It has been tried and failed before sir...
Ever wondered why conservatives are called the "right" & liberals the "left"? Ecclesiastes 10:2 NIV: "The [cont.]
heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." I guess the little mongrels should have paid attention in Sunday School.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I heard a liberal butch say yesterday that Oblahblah was a constitutional scholar & practiced [cont.]
constitutional law for 10 years. Lies, lies & more lies.
I heard a liberal butch say yesterday that Oblahblah was a constitutional scholar & practiced [cont.]
constitutional law for 10 years. Lies, lies & more lies.
Monday, August 16, 2010
If U don't have a Facebook Acct., create one, post Gadsen flag @ your FB Profile Photo [cont.]
Attention Patriots: It seems Facebook has taken to removing the Gadsen Flag from FB postings for their[cont.]
own reasons. Apparently, their objection to the flag is that it has been adopted by the Tea Party Movement as a symbol. Whatever! That is not the reason[s] I fly the flag [my FB Profile Photo]. I am not a member of the Tea Party or Tea Party movement. I had heard a rumor that Facebook had been doing this and I felt strongly that what they were doing was wrong. I refreshed my memory of the Gadsen Flag and when I did, I thought I should fly it proudly, whenever and wherever I so wish.
Here is what I read: http://bit.ly/xOJQo
If I have to make a choice of Facebook or any other social network and The Gadsen Flag, it will be no contest. I will fly the Flag and stand by the Bill of Rights. Facebook and any other Progressive movement or organization that disputes either will be my sworn enemy. I hope that is not why my account was disabled but I fully expect it is and if so, I would have closed it down myself.
Here is what I read: http://bit.ly/xOJQo
If I have to make a choice of Facebook or any other social network and The Gadsen Flag, it will be no contest. I will fly the Flag and stand by the Bill of Rights. Facebook and any other Progressive movement or organization that disputes either will be my sworn enemy. I hope that is not why my account was disabled but I fully expect it is and if so, I would have closed it down myself.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Attention Patriots: I have come to understand that Facebook has been removing the Gadsen Flag from FB [cont.]
postings for their own reasons. Apparently, their objection to the flag is that it has been adopted by the Tea Party Movement as a symbol. Whatever! That is not the reason[s] I fly the flag [my FB Profile Photo]. I am not a member of the Tea Party or Tea Party movement. I had heard a rumor that Facebook had been doing this and I felt strongly that what they were doing was wrong. I refreshed my memory of the Gadsen Flag and when I did, I thought I should fly it proudly, whenever and wherever I so wish.
Here is what I read: http://bit.ly/xOJQo
If I have to make a choice of Facebook or any other social network and The Gadsen Flag, it will be no contest. I will fly the Flag and stand by the Bill of Rights. Facebook and any other Progressive movement or organization that disputes either will be my sworn enemy. I hope that is not why my account was disabled but I fully expect it is and if so, I would have closed it down myself.
Here is what I read: http://bit.ly/xOJQo
If I have to make a choice of Facebook or any other social network and The Gadsen Flag, it will be no contest. I will fly the Flag and stand by the Bill of Rights. Facebook and any other Progressive movement or organization that disputes either will be my sworn enemy. I hope that is not why my account was disabled but I fully expect it is and if so, I would have closed it down myself.
Facebook disabled my account 4 what I suspect is flying the Gadsen Flag as my FB Profile Photo. It could [cont.]
however been 1 of 3 photos I posted today. The 1st Amendment is alive and well at Facebook.
Why is it that suddenly, the land of the free and the home of the brave has become the land of PC and the [cont.]
home of the Nanny and we have to now look to Australia, Canada, France and now Germany for a proper set of cahones? I should add that now the Statue of Liberty [from France] is now a hand out and not a hand up. Pi$$ on Oblahblah and his Free S**T!
Very useful website: http://bit.ly/cMOXFA and a little about Twitter etiquette, in my opinion. "Follow" [cont.]
is a 2-way street. If I Follow you, you Follow me. If, after a time certain, you do not Follow me, I Un-Follow you. I don't care if you are one of the 12 disciples, send me free stuff in the mail or provide "free love". Not a sermon, just a thought.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
OMG! Pew Research Center for Hispanics show that 8% of all babies born in the U.S. in 2008 were born [cont.]
to illegal immigrants [Anchor Babies]
I love it. Dr. Manny Alvarez just said he considers Harry Reid's stupid statement about Hispanics being [cont.]
Republicans, "racial profiling." You may have something there Doc and thank you for pointing that out to us.
A Royal Mecca Clock Tower to replace GMT? WTF! http://bit.ly/9TuUG6 Give me a SAM [cont.]
& a plane ticket & I'll knock 'er down. No Saudi Air please! :-)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
These are priceless pics. http://bit.ly/9fsK1N It takes a while since there are many, but you'll be [cont.]
glad you did--taken just before WWII. These folks worked hard, played hard and prayed hard. What kind of demons would bomb the likes of these to engage them in WAR?!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I heard today Michele Obama is highly popular & she has avoided all controversy. Does anyone else recall [cont.]
besides yours truly, they had 2 shut her up during the campaign? My, oh my, but we do have short memories. Bring her on--this will be fun to watch. We all know she'll say or do something stupid.
Jefferson's words R the simplest, but possibly most powerful, explanation of the structure of our FEDERAL,[cont.]
NOT national, form of government. The federal government is authorized to exercise only those powers delegated to it in the constitution [10th Amendment]. His advice when it doesn't? "a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy." In Arizona, and elsewhere, states' rights are to be restored, not demolished! What would Jefferson do? Nullify, post haste!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I see these blind followers of the cult of peace are rioting in Kashmir. Is there any place in the world [cont.]
where these "peaceful" prophetesses do not wreak havoc, mayhem, war, pestilence, poverty, abuse of women and children? I should qualify war--they do NOT fight face-to-face; they fight from caves, holes in the ground, behind women and children--you know, kinda' like rats and spiders. When confronted face-to-face, they toss their weapons and run like little campfire girls from the bogey man :-)
Great! http://bit.ly/b3Y3IL I suppose then it will be about time for these parasites to finance their [cont.]
retirement/vacation homes--thank you Fannie & Freddie. Oh yeah, Queen Barney too.
It's those pesky little laws already on the books that seem to stump those Ivy [cont.]
League judges...The US Code 8 1304(E) already requires immigrants to carry identification documents at all times or they are in violation of the law. Section 8 1324 allows states to permit enforcement of immigration laws. The "reasonable suspicion" is the same as in the code, same as BP, INS and ICE. I think if people knew what they were talking about they would see this bill for what it is, a simple extension of the authority to enforce immigration laws to the states as allowed under existing Federal law. I I guess the judge in Arizona wasn't aware of this pesky little law that has been on the books for a good long while. Keep those papers handy boys!
I see these blind followers of the cult of peace are rioting in Kashmir. Is there any place in the world [cont.]
where these "peaceful" prophetesses do not wreak havoc, mayhem, war, pestilence, poverty, abuse of women and children? I should qualify war--they do NOT fight face-to-face; they fight from caves, holes in the ground, behind women and children--you know, kinda' like rats and spiders. When confronted face-to-face, they toss their weapons and run like little campfire girls from the bogey man :-)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It is increasingly clear to me that most of these lawyers, especially Harvard Law "Grads" and DC hacks [cont.]
could use a good lawyer. One who can read the U.S. Constitution, as does the majority of this SCOTUS, unlike the minority and this bunch of WH lawyers who believe that 150 years of upside-down case law trumps the Constitution. NOT! :-)
The US Code 8 1304(E) already requires immigrants to carry identification documents at all times or they [cont.]
are breaking the law. Section 8 1324 allows states to permit enforcement of immigration laws. The "reasonable suspicion" is the same as in the code, same as BP, INS and ICE. I think if people knew what they were talking about they would see this bill for what it is, a simple extension of the authority to enforce immigration laws to the states as allowed under existing Federal law. Keep those papers handy boys!
For those of you who are of Welsh extraction, as I am, and that would be a huge proportion of us [cont.]
Americans and who despise political correctness and racists of any color--we are all ethnocentric by the way, read this: http://bit.ly/aWlWvE
I have wondered aloud how stupid this WH & Congress is; now I know. The HealthScare bill they passed has [cont.]
NO Severability Clause - LMAO! Which means if ANY provision is held to be unconstitutional; and it will [Another 5-4 vote in the offing--bet on it], then the entire Act is unconstitutional. That is unheard of in the annals of legislation. READ THE BILL STUPIDS! Where was the WH legal/legislative staff? Where were the congressional committee staffs? Obama wouldn't know it if he had actually read the bill--how could he? The Repubs. must be laughing their collective A$$ off on this one. They likely knew it but wouldn't tell.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Yes, Pat, Death Valley would be the perfect place for this mosque proposed for Ground Zero. Then [cont.]
when we blow it up, there will be less collateral damage: http://bit.ly/dyo2wY
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